Effective – 28 Aug 2000 589.518. Bylaws, organization and operation. — The Interstate Commission shall, by a majority of the Members, within twelve months of the first Interstate Commission meeting, adopt By-laws to govern its conduct as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of the Compact, including, but not limited to: […]
Effective – 28 Aug 2000 589.521. Chairperson and vice chairperson elected, duties — executive director appointed, duties. — 1. The Interstate Commission shall, by a majority of the Members, elect from among its Members a chairperson and a vice chairperson, each of whom shall have such authorities and duties as may be specified in the […]
Effective – 28 Aug 2000 589.524. Maintenance of corporate books and records. — The Interstate Commission shall maintain its corporate books and records in accordance with the By-laws. ——– (L. 2000 H.B. 1321) Effective 6-19-02, see § 589.548
Effective – 28 Aug 2000 589.527. Qualified immunity, defense and indemnification. — 1. The Members, officers, executive director and employees of the Interstate Commission shall be immune from suit and liability, either personally or in their official capacity, for any claim for damage to or loss of property or personal injury or other civil liability […]