15-32-301. Purpose. The purpose of this part is to promote the use of organic matter produced by Montana industries and municipalities and inorganic matter produced as byproducts of industrial or mining activity to revitalize Montana lands and to assist in making organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer produced as a byproduct economically competitive with commercially produced inorganic […]
15-32-302. Definitions. As used in this part, the following definitions apply: (1) ”Inorganic fertilizer produced as a byproduct” means enriched mine tailings, kiln dust, and reject rock that have been processed for use in increasing soil condition and fertility and includes soil amendments as that term is defined in 80-10-101. (2) ”Organic fertilizer” means raw organic matter that […]
15-32-303. Deduction for purchase of Montana-produced organic or inorganic fertilizer. In addition to all other deductions from adjusted gross individual income allowed in computing taxable income under Title 15, chapter 30, or from gross corporate income allowed in computing net income under Title 15, chapter 31, part 1, a taxpayer may deduct expenditures for organic fertilizer […]