18-5-401. Purpose. It is the purpose of this part, in recognition of the vocational and economic needs of blind persons, to make available to those blind persons in need of vocational opportunities space in state, federal, or other property appropriate for certain business operations and to assist those persons in the development of business operations. History: En. […]
18-5-402. Definitions. As used in this part, the following definitions apply: (1) ”Blind person” means a person whose central visual acuity does not exceed 20/200 in the better eye with correcting lenses or whose visual acuity is greater than 20/200 but is accompanied by a limitation in the field of vision in the better eye to such […]
18-5-403. Certification and eligibility of blind persons. (1) The department shall certify for the purposes of this part and the federal Randolph-Sheppard Act, as amended, those persons who are blind persons as defined in this part who the department has determined are in need of vocational opportunities and are qualified to operate vending facilities. (2) Any person […]
18-5-404. Vending facilities, equipment, and supplies — available to certified blind persons. (1) The department may make available to a certified blind person a vending facility appropriate for providing that person with a business opportunity determined by the department to be suitable for that person. (2) The department may, through the vocational rehabilitation programs it administers, provide […]
18-5-405. Right to fair hearing. A blind vendor is entitled to a fair hearing for any grievance against the department. History: En. Sec. 8, Ch. 175, L. 1981.
18-5-406. Health and retirement fund — services to vendors. (1) The department may manage a health and retirement fund for blind vendors. (2) The department may set aside a reasonable percentage of the net incomes earned by blind vendors from the operation of vending facilities on state and other property administered by the department to fund the […]
18-5-407 through 18-5-410 reserved.
18-5-411. Administration of vending facilities — state properties. (1) The department of administration or any other department of state government that administers state property subject to this part shall transfer to the department the management and control of any vending facility that the department has determined is an appropriate facility for the purposes of this part […]
18-5-412. Administration of vending facilities on other property. The department may enter into agreements with private parties or governmental entities not otherwise coming under the provisions of this part owning or controlling other property for the establishment and administration of blind vendor operations. History: En. Sec. 9, Ch. 175, L. 1981.
18-5-413. Implementation of Randolph-Sheppard Act, as amended. (1) The department may enter into agreements with the federal government as provided for in the Randolph-Sheppard Act, as amended, for administering the Randolph-Sheppard Act for all state or federal purposes. (2) The department may adopt rules to implement agreements with the federal government entered into under the Randolph-Sheppard Act, […]
18-5-414. Authority to adopt rules. The department may adopt such rules as are necessary to effectuate this part. History: En. Sec. 11, Ch. 175, L. 1981.
18-5-415. Operation of facilities. (1) The department is not subject to any requirements for competitive bidding on state leases or services to the state on vending facilities that are to be made available to certified blind persons or when purchasing initial supplies for the purpose of assisting a blind vendor. (2) The department may temporarily operate a […]
18-5-416. Vending machines. The department may, except on state property, directly or through contractual arrangements, operate a facility consisting solely of vending machines if it has determined that operation by a blind vendor would be inappropriate. The department shall not directly operate vending machines on any state property where the department does not directly operate vending […]