4-106. Aliens; labor or educational organization; appointment or election to office; unlawful; penalty. It shall be unlawful for any alien to be elected to or hold any office in a labor or educational organization in the State of Nebraska. Any person, officer, or any member of any labor organization knowingly or willfully violating the provisions […]
4-107. Nonresident alien; property by succession or testamentary disposition; taking of property in this state; conditions; escheat; disposition of escheated property. (1) The right of an alien not residing within the United States or its territories to take either real or personal property or the proceeds thereof in this state by succession or testamentary disposition, […]
4-108. Public benefits; state agency or political subdivision; verification of lawful presence; employee; participation in retirement system; restriction. (1) Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, unless exempted from verification under section 4-110 or pursuant to federal law, no state agency or political subdivision of the State of Nebraska shall provide public benefits to a person […]
4-109. Public benefits, defined. For purposes of sections 4-108 to 4-113, public benefits means any grant, contract, loan, professional license, commercial license, welfare benefit, health payment or financial assistance benefit, disability benefit, public or assisted housing benefit, postsecondary education benefit involving direct payment of financial assistance, food assistance benefit, or unemployment benefit or any other […]
4-110. Public benefits; verification of lawful presence; exemptions; legislative findings. Verification of lawful presence in the United States pursuant to section 4-108 is not required for: (1) Any purpose for which lawful presence in the United States is not restricted by law, ordinance, or regulation; (2) Assistance for health care services and products, not related […]
4-111. Public benefits; verification of lawful presence; attestation required; professional or commercial license; requirements. (1) Verification of lawful presence in the United States pursuant to section 4-108 requires that the applicant for public benefits attest in a format prescribed by the Department of Administrative Services that: (a) He or she is a United States citizen; […]
4-112. Public benefits; applicant; eligibility; verification; presumption. For any applicant who has executed a document described in subdivision (1)(b) of section 4-111, eligibility for public benefits shall be verified through the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Program operated by the United States Department of Homeland Security or an equivalent program designated by the United States […]
4-113. Public benefits; state agency; annual report. Each state agency which administers any program of public benefits shall provide an annual report not later than January 31 for the prior year to the Governor and the Clerk of the Legislature with respect to compliance with sections 4-108 to 4-113. The report submitted to the Clerk […]
4-114. Public employer and public contractor; register with and use federal immigration verification system; Department of Labor; duties. (1) For purposes of this section: (a) Federal immigration verification system means the electronic verification of the work authorization program of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, 8 U.S.C. 1324a, known as the […]