50-101. Members; credentials; filing; officers pro tempore. The Clerk of the Legislature shall file the certificates presented by members, and make a roll of the members who thus appear to be elected. The persons thus appearing to be elected members shall proceed to elect such other officers as may be required for the time being. […]
50-102. Members; credentials committee; report; when waived. (1) When the Legislature is temporarily organized it shall elect a committee of five by ballot, which committee shall examine and report upon the credentials of those claiming to be elected members, and, when such report is made, those reported as elected shall proceed to the permanent organization […]
50-103. Oaths; members may administer. Any member may administer oaths in the Legislature, and while acting on a committee may administer oaths on the business of such committee. Source R.S.1866, c. 31, § 5, p. 249; R.S.1913, § 3744; C.S.1922, § 3137; C.S.1929, § 50-103; R.S.1943, § 50-103. Annotations Although this section provides that any […]
50-104. Speech; legislative privilege. No member of the Legislature shall be questioned in any other place for any speech or words spoken in debate in the Legislature. Source R.S.1866, c. 31, § 6, p. 249; R.S.1913, § 3745; C.S.1922, § 3138; C.S.1929, § 50-104; R.S.1943, § 50-104.
50-105. Contempt, defined; punishment. The Legislature has power and authority to punish as a contempt by fine or imprisonment, or either of them, the offense of knowingly arresting a member in violation of his privilege; of assaulting or threatening to assault a member, or threatening to do him any harm, in person or property, for […]
50-106. Contempt; imprisonment; maximum sentence. Imprisonment for contempt of the Legislature shall not be for more than six hours, and shall be in the jail of the county in which the Legislature may be sitting. Source R.S.1866, c. 31, § 8, p. 250; R.S.1913, § 3747; C.S.1922, § 3140; C.S.1929, § 50-106; R.S.1943, § 50-106.
50-107. Contempt; maximum fine. Should a fine be imposed for any offense mentioned in section 50-105, it shall not exceed fifty dollars. Source R.S.1866, c. 31, § 9, p. 250; R.S.1913, § 3748; C.S.1922, § 3141; C.S.1929, § 50-107; R.S.1943, § 50-107.
50-108. Contempt; fines and imprisonment; how effected. Fines and imprisonment shall be only by virtue of an order of the Legislature, entered on its journal stating the grounds therefor. Imprisonment shall be effected by a warrant, under the hand of the presiding officer for the time being, countersigned by the Clerk of the Legislature, running […]
50-109. Contempt; fines; collection. Fines shall be collected by virtue of a similar warrant, directed to any proper officer of the county in which the offender has property, and executed in the same manner as executions for fines issued by courts of justice, and the proceeds shall be paid into the state treasury. Source R.S.1866, […]
50-110. Contempt; punishment; effect on other proceedings. Punishment for contempt, as provided in sections 50-105 to 50-109, is no bar to any other proceedings, civil or criminal, for the same offense. Source R.S.1866, c. 31, § 12, p. 251; R.S.1913, § 3751; C.S.1922, § 3144; C.S.1929, § 50-110; R.S.1943, § 50-110.
50-1101. Transferred to section 50-1153.
50-111. Legislature; officers; how selected. The officers of the Legislature shall consist of a speaker, chief clerk, assistant clerk, sergeant at arms, and such other officers as may be deemed necessary for the proper transaction of business, to be elected by the Legislature upon the recommendation of the Executive Board of the Legislative Council, except […]
50-112. Officers and employees; salaries; how fixed. There shall be paid to each of the several officers, except the speaker, named in section 50-111 for their official services such salaries as shall be fixed by the Executive Board of the Legislative Council, unless otherwise directed by the Legislature. Source Laws 1867, § 3, p. 85; […]
50-113. Presiding officer; duties. It shall be the duty of the presiding officer of the Legislature to preside over the Legislature, to keep and maintain order during the session thereof, and to do and perform the duties devolving on him by general parliamentary usage, and the rules adopted by the Legislature. Source Laws 1867, § […]
50-114. Clerk; duties. It shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Legislature to attend the sessions of the Legislature, to call the roll, read the journals, bills, memorials, resolutions, petitions, and all other papers or documents necessary to be read in the Legislature, to keep a correct journal of the proceedings in the […]
50-114.01. Clerk; daily journal; prepare; compile after session. The Clerk of the Legislature shall prepare a daily journal of the proceedings of the Legislature. The Legislative Journal shall be compiled by the clerk after each regular session of the Legislature. Source Laws 1973, LB 84, § 1; Laws 1976, LB 718, § 1.
50-114.02. Clerk; charges; authorized. The Clerk of the Legislature shall be authorized to make such charges, subject to the approval of the Executive Board of the Legislative Council, to recover costs and expenses of (1) copying files and records in the clerk’s possession, (2) preparing certificates, (3) handling and mailing individual bills and bill subscriptions, […]
50-114.03. Clerk; reports; list; distribution; establish requirements for reports. (1) The Clerk of the Legislature shall periodically prepare and distribute electronically to all members of the Legislature a list of all reports received from state agencies, boards, and commissions. Such lists shall be prepared and distributed to each legislator no less frequently than once during […]
50-114.04. Clerk; reports; period retained. The Clerk of the Legislature shall retain the reports received from state agencies, boards, and commissions for three years after the date of receipt of such reports after which time the clerk may dispose of such reports. Source Laws 1979, LB 322, § 81.
50-114.05. Clerk of the Legislature Cash Fund; created; use; investment. The Clerk of the Legislature Cash Fund is hereby created. The fund shall consist of funds received by the Clerk of the Legislature pursuant to sections 49-1480.01 and 49-1482. The fund shall be used by the Clerk of the Legislature to perform the duties required […]