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Home » US Law » 2022 Nebraska Revised Statutes » Chapter 75 - Public Service Commission

75-106 – Executive director; qualifications; salary; duties; fees for transcripts.

75-106. Executive director; qualifications; salary; duties; fees for transcripts. Any person who is eligible to hold the office of commissioner shall also be eligible to hold the office of executive director. The salary of the executive director shall be fixed by the commission, payable monthly. The executive director shall take the same oath as the […]

75-108 – Attorney General; act as legal advisor.

75-108. Attorney General; act as legal advisor. The commission may consult the Attorney General with reference to any matter upon which it may require advice, and the Attorney General shall give such advice as the commission may require and perform such other services within the line of duty as the commission may require. Source Laws […]

75-109 – Commission; regulatory powers; scope.

75-109. Commission; regulatory powers; scope. Except as provided in the Agricultural Suppliers Lease Protection Act and sections 86-124 and 86-143, the commission shall regulate and exercise general control as provided by law over all common and contract carriers engaged in the transportation of freight or passengers for hire or furnishing telecommunications services for hire in […]

75-109.01 – Jurisdiction.

75-109.01. Jurisdiction. Except as otherwise specifically provided by law, the Public Service Commission shall have jurisdiction, as prescribed, over the following subjects: (1) Common carriers, generally, pursuant to sections 75-101 to 75-158; (2) Grain pursuant to the Grain Dealer Act and the Grain Warehouse Act and sections 89-1,104 to 89-1,108; (3) Manufactured homes and recreational […]

75-110 – Rules and regulations.

75-110. Rules and regulations. (1) The Public Service Commission shall adopt and promulgate rules and regulations for the government of its proceedings, including rules of procedure for notice and hearing. The commission shall adopt and promulgate rules and regulations which the commission deems necessary to regulate persons within the commission’s jurisdiction. The commission shall not […]

75-110.01 – Application or petition for authority or relief; procedures.

75-110.01. Application or petition for authority or relief; procedures. A summary of the authority or relief sought in an application or petition shall be set out in the notice given according to the rules the commission shall adopt. After notice of an application or petition has been given as provided by the rules for notice, […]

75-1101 – 211 Information and Referral Network; Public Service Commission; award grant; application; eligibility; use; 211 Cash Fund; created; use; investment.

75-1101. 211 Information and Referral Network; Public Service Commission; award grant; application; eligibility; use; 211 Cash Fund; created; use; investment. (1) For purposes of this section, 211 Information and Referral Network means a statewide information and referral network providing information to the public regarding disaster and emergency response and health and human services provided by […]

75-111 – Commission; investigatory powers.

75-111. Commission; investigatory powers. The commission shall investigate any and all cases of alleged neglect or violation of the laws of this state within the jurisdiction of the commission as enumerated in section 75-109.01 and take such action with reference to the neglect or violation as may be provided by law. Source Laws 1963, c. […]

75-112 – Commissioners and examiners; powers; certification of official acts.

75-112. Commissioners and examiners; powers; certification of official acts. (1) For purposes of carrying out the powers and duties of the commission related to the subjects under its jurisdiction enumerated in section 75-109.01, each commissioner and examiner of the commission may: (a) Administer oaths; (b) Compel the attendance of witnesses; (c) Examine any of the […]

75-113 – Records; prescribe; inspection.

75-113. Records; prescribe; inspection. The commission may prescribe the forms of any and all accounts and records to be kept by a regulated motor carrier as defined in section 75-302 or common carriers subject to its jurisdiction, including the accounts, records, and memoranda of the movement of traffic as well as the receipts and expenditures […]

75-114 – Records; refusal to permit examination; penalty.

75-114. Records; refusal to permit examination; penalty. Any motor carrier or regulated motor carrier as defined in section 75-302, any common carrier, or any other person who has in his or her possession any book, paper, document, or record belonging to any carrier subject to the jurisdiction of the commission and who, upon proper demand, […]

75-115 – Examinations and inspections; authorized; duty and power to repair; notice; injunctions; carrier enforcement division; powers.

75-115. Examinations and inspections; authorized; duty and power to repair; notice; injunctions; carrier enforcement division; powers. (1) The commission shall have the power to examine and inspect, from time to time, the condition of each motor carrier or regulated motor carrier as defined in section 75-302 or each common carrier, the carrier’s equipment, and the […]

75-116 – Annual report; filing requirements; fee.

75-116. Annual report; filing requirements; fee. Each regulated motor carrier as defined in section 75-302 or common carrier required to furnish an annual report with a federal regulatory agency shall file a copy of the report with the commission on or before the date on which such report is filed with such agency. Each such […]

75-117 – Order of commission; failure to comply; penalty.

75-117. Order of commission; failure to comply; penalty. Any motor carrier or regulated motor carrier as defined in section 75-302 or common carrier which fails, neglects, or refuses to comply with any order of the commission shall be guilty of a Class IV misdemeanor. Each day during which such failure, neglect, or refusal continues shall […]

75-118 – Commission; duties.

75-118. Commission; duties. The commission shall: (1) Until July 1, 2021, fix all necessary rates, charges, and regulations governing and regulating the transportation, storage, or handling of household goods by any common carrier in Nebraska intrastate commerce; (2) Fix all necessary rates, charges, and regulations governing and regulating the transportation of passengers by any common […]

75-118.01 – Certificate, permit, tariff, rule, or regulation; interpretation; jurisdiction.

75-118.01. Certificate, permit, tariff, rule, or regulation; interpretation; jurisdiction. Except as otherwise provided in the Administrative Procedure Act, the commission shall have original exclusive jurisdiction to determine the validity of a rule or regulation and the scope or meaning of a certificate, permit, tariff, rule, or regulation. Upon petition or complaint by any common carrier […]

75-119 – Rate, rule, or regulation; petition to prescribe or fix; procedure.

75-119. Rate, rule, or regulation; petition to prescribe or fix; procedure. When any common carrier or other interested person petitions the commission alleging that a rate, rule, or regulation should be prescribed when none exists or alleging that an existing rule, regulation, or rate is unreasonably high or low, unjust, or discriminatory, notice shall be […]

75-121 – Emergency rate orders; when authorized.

75-121. Emergency rate orders; when authorized. To prevent interstate rate wars and injury to any common carrier or other person or in case of any other emergency to be judged by the commission, the commission shall temporarily alter, amend, or suspend any existing rates in force in respect to any common carrier or fix any […]

75-123 – Rates; hearing; criteria.

75-123. Rates; hearing; criteria. The following criteria shall be among those considered by the commission in fixing, modifying, or annulling any rate: (1) The lowest rates published or charged by any common carrier for substantially the same kind of service, whether in this state or another state, shall, when introduced into evidence, be accepted as […]