80-302 – Transferred to section 80-317.
80-302. Transferred to section 80-317.
80-302. Transferred to section 80-317.
80-304. Transferred to section 80-314.
80-304.01. Transferred to section 80-327.
80-305. Transferred to section 80-318.
80-306. Transferred to section 80-319.
80-307. Transferred to section 80-320.
80-308. Transferred to section 80-321.
80-309. Transferred to section 80-331.
80-311. Transferred to section 80-328.
80-312. Transferred to section 80-329.
80-313. Transferred to section 80-330.
80-314. Veterans homes; director; duties; rules and regulations. Effective July 1, 2017, all programs, services, and duties of the Division of Veterans’ Homes of the Department of Health and Human Services shall be transferred to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. The department shall be responsible for the management and administration of the veterans homes and […]
80-315. Nebraska veterans homes; establishment. The Grand Island Veterans’ Home, the Norfolk Veterans’ Home, the Eastern Nebraska Veterans’ Home, and the Western Nebraska Veterans’ Home are established. The State of Nebraska shall maintain the homes as provided in the Nebraska Veterans Services Act. Source Laws 1887, c. 82, § 1, p. 622; Laws 1889, c. […]
80-316. Veterans homes; purpose; admission; requirements. (1) The department shall provide domiciliary and nursing home care and subsistence to: (a) All persons who served on active duty in the armed forces of the United States other than active duty for training and who were discharged or otherwise separated with a characterization of honorable or general […]
80-317. Nebraska veterans homes; Veterans’ Homes Board; rules of membership; application. The Veterans’ Homes Board shall prescribe rules of membership in the Nebraska veterans homes in accordance with the Nebraska Veterans Services Act. An application for membership in a Nebraska veterans home shall be made to a county veterans service officer, to a recognized veterans […]
80-318. Veterans’ Homes Board; members; appointment; compensation; expenses. For the purpose of determining continued eligibility of members to remain in one of the Nebraska veterans homes and for the purpose of recommending matters of policy, rules and regulations, administration, and maintenance pertaining to each of the Nebraska veterans homes, the Veterans’ Homes Board is established. […]
80-319. Veterans’ Homes Board; duties; powers; meetings. The Veterans’ Homes Board shall meet at least quarterly and at other times at the request of either the chairperson or the secretary of the board at a site selected by the secretary after consultation with the chairperson. The board shall review all applications submitted for admission to […]
80-320. Director; rules and regulations. (1) Nothing in the Nebraska Veterans Services Act shall be construed as limiting the authority vested with the director to adopt and promulgate rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the act, for the administration of the Nebraska veterans homes. The department, in conjunction and after consultation with the Veterans’ Homes […]
80-321. Member; payment for care; public expense. Nothing in the Nebraska Veterans Services Act shall be construed to deny any person who has been properly admitted to one of the Nebraska veterans homes the privilege of paying the cost of his or her care, or any part thereof, if he or she so desires or […]
80-322. Reimbursement of costs. Any veteran, spouse, surviving spouse, or parent admitted to one of the Nebraska veterans homes under section 80-316 who has an income in excess of forty dollars per month, including federal pension, compensation, or social security, or has sufficient assets will be required to reimburse the state monthly a reasonable amount […]