82-120. Nebraska State Historical Society; selection of projects; procurement of Highway Historical Markers; purchase, gift, or eminent domain; erection and maintenance. The Nebraska State Historical Society shall have authority to determine what historical events, personalities, sites, and traditions are of importance to the State of Nebraska and to justify the expenditure of public funds for […]
82-121. Nebraska State Historical Society; Highway Historical Markers; powers; delegation to subcommittees. The Nebraska State Historical Society shall have authority (1) to designate the approximate location of such markers, (2) to preserve present markers, (3) to accept gifts, and (4) to encourage local participation in and contribution to the erection of such markers through the […]
82-122. Nebraska State Historical Society; Highway Historical Markers; damaged or destroyed; replacement. The Nebraska State Historical Society shall be empowered to use any legal means necessary to secure payment to the state for the actual replacement cost of any markers damaged or destroyed, accidentally or otherwise. Any fund so collected shall be placed in the […]
82-123. Highway Historical Markers; erection or maintenance; written consent of Nebraska State Historical Society required. It shall be unlawful for any person, public or private corporation, association, or organization to post, erect, or maintain any historical marker, monument, sign or notice, on public property or any place in the state, upon any public street, road, […]
82-124. Highway Historical Markers; violations; penalty; malicious damage; recovery of replacement costs. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of sections 82-119 to 82-124 shall be guilty of a Class V misdemeanor. Each day that a violation continues after notice shall constitute a separate offense. Where the markers are damaged maliciously, the court […]
82-125. Nebraska State Historical Society; property known as Neligh Mills; acquire title; cost; limitation; maintenance. The Nebraska State Historical Society is hereby authorized to acquire clear title in the name of the State of Nebraska, at a cost not to exceed five thousand dollars, of property known as the Neligh Mills and located in Antelope […]
82-126. Nebraska State Historical Society; visitations to sites and monuments; restrict; signs; notices; violation; penalty. The Nebraska State Historical Society or any other society whose duty it is to preserve historical sites and monuments may restrict visitation at such hours and times as in its judgment would be a detriment to the site or monument. […]
82-127. Historical Heritage Center; location; how designated; Nebraska State Historical Society; duties; powers. The Nebraska State Historical Society shall be responsible for the development of plans for the construction of a Historical Heritage Center on block 152 of the original plat of Lincoln, including lots 1 to 12, for the purpose of preserving, restoring, and […]
82-128. Nebraska State Historical Society; acquire property of John G. Neihardt; erect structure; agreement; administration. The Nebraska State Historical Society is hereby authorized to acquire, without cost to the state, clear title in the name of the State of Nebraska to the real and personal property of the John G. Neihardt Foundation and to construct […]
82-129. Nebraska State Historical Society; transfer property to Willa Cather Foundation. (1) In 1978, the Nebraska State Historical Society acquired, without cost to the state, clear title in the name of the State of Nebraska to the real and personal property as described in section 82-130 of the Willa Cather Pioneer Memorial and Educational Foundation, […]
82-130. Willa Cather; real property; legal description. The real property acquired pursuant to section 82-129 is more particularly described as follows: (1) The Cather House described as lots 1, 2, and 3, block 24, original town of Red Cloud, Webster County, Nebraska; (2) The Garber Bank described as lot 21, block 31, original town of […]
82-131. George Norris House; designated. The George Norris home, located at 706 Norris Avenue in McCook, owned by the Nebraska State Historical Society, and legally described as all of lot 4, and the north half of lot 5, block 10, McCook first addition to the City of McCook, Red Willow County, Nebraska, is hereby designated […]
82-132. George Norris House; Nebraska State Historical Society; powers and duties. The Nebraska State Historical Society shall be responsible for the administration and continued maintenance of the George Norris House and may accept gifts, grants, and bequests for such purposes. Source Laws 1986, LB 563, § 5.
82-134. Transferred to section 72-1802.
82-136. Transferred to section 72-1801.
82-137. Willa Cather; legislative findings and declarations. The Legislature finds and declares that: (1) Willa Cather is a significant historical and literary figure of Nebraska; (2) There exist many Cather-related properties in Webster County that provide irreplaceable historical value to the ongoing interpretation of the significance of Cather; (3) These properties also spur economic activity […]
82-138. Willa Cather Historical Building Cash Fund; created; use; investment. The Willa Cather Historical Building Cash Fund is created. The fund shall be administered by the Nebraska State Historical Society. The fund shall consist of any funds appropriated by the Legislature and money donated as gifts, bequests, or other contributions from public or private entities. […]
82-139. Support Nebraska History Cash Fund; created; use; investment. The Support Nebraska History Cash Fund is created. The fund shall consist of money credited to the fund under section 60-3,256 and any other gifts, bequests, grants, or other contributions or donations to the fund from public or private entities. The Nebraska State Historical Society shall […]
82-201. Transferred to section 82-119.
82-202. Transferred to section 82-120.