As used in NRS 118.171 to 118.205, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. “Real property” includes an apartment, a dwelling, a mobile home that is owned by a landlord and located on property owned by the landlord and commercial premises. 2. “Rental agreement” means an agreement to lease or sublease real property for a […]
If a tenant of real property abandons the property, the landlord shall make reasonable efforts to rent it at a fair rental. If the landlord rents the property for a term beginning before the expiration of the rental agreement pursuant to its terms or if, despite the landlord’s reasonable efforts, the landlord is unable to […]
If a tenant of real property abandons the property before the expiration of the rental agreement pursuant to its terms, the rental agreement terminates when: 1. The tenant provides the landlord with notice of the tenant’s intention to abandon the property, and the landlord accepts the surrender of the property; 2. The landlord rents the […]
1. If a landlord of real property reasonably believes that his or her tenant has abandoned the property, and the tenant is in default in the payment of rent, the landlord may serve the tenant with a written notice of the landlord’s belief that the property has been abandoned. If the tenant fails, within 5 […]
A notice provided by a landlord to a tenant pursuant to NRS 118.195: 1. Must advise the tenant of the provisions of that section and specify: (a) The address or other location of the property; (b) The date upon which the property will be deemed abandoned and the rental agreement terminated; and (c) An address […]