1. The Nevada Sentencing Commission is hereby created within the Department. The Sentencing Commission consists of: (a) One member appointed by the Governor; (b) One member who is a justice of the Supreme Court of Nevada or a retired justice of the Supreme Court of Nevada, appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court […]
The Sentencing Commission shall: 1. Advise the Legislature on proposed legislation and make recommendations with respect to all matters relating to the elements of this State’s system of criminal justice which affect the sentences imposed for felonies and gross misdemeanors. 2. Evaluate the effectiveness and fiscal impact of various policies and practices regarding sentencing which […]
1. The Sentencing Commission shall: (a) Track and assess outcomes resulting from the enactment of chapter 633, Statutes of Nevada 2019, including, without limitation, the following data from the Department of Corrections: (1) With respect to prison admissions: (I) The total number of persons admitted to prison by type of offense, type of admission, felony […]
1. The Sentencing Commission shall develop a formula to calculate for each fiscal year the amount of costs avoided by this State because of the enactment of chapter 633, Statutes of Nevada 2019. The formula must include, without limitation, a comparison of: (a) The annual projection of the number of persons who will be in […]
1. The Chair of the Sentencing Commission may apply for and accept any available grants and may accept any bequests, devises, donations or gifts from any public or private source to carry out the provisions of NRS 176.0132 to 176.0139, inclusive. 2. Any money received pursuant to this section must be deposited in the Special […]
1. To carry out its powers and duties pursuant to NRS 176.0132 to 176.0139, inclusive, the Sentencing Commission, or any member thereof acting on behalf of the Sentencing Commission with a concurrence of a majority of the members of the Sentencing Commission, may issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of […]
1. The Department of Corrections shall: (a) Provide the Sentencing Commission with any available statistical information or research requested by the Sentencing Commission and assist the Sentencing Commission in the compilation and development of information requested by the Sentencing Commission, including, without limitation, information or research concerning the facilities and institutions of the Department of […]
The Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History shall provide the Sentencing Commission with any statistical data and information required to be collected pursuant to NRS 176.0128, as requested by the Sentencing Commission. (Added to NRS by 2017, 4191)
The Office of Finance shall provide the Sentencing Commission with any projections on persons imprisoned, on probation, on parole and serving a term of residential confinement required pursuant to NRS 176.0129, as requested by the Sentencing Commission. (Added to NRS by 2017, 4192)