NRS 243.460 – Relocation of county seats.
County seats may be removed and new locations selected as provided in NRS 243.460 to 243.490, inclusive. [1:69:1955]
County seats may be removed and new locations selected as provided in NRS 243.460 to 243.490, inclusive. [1:69:1955]
Whenever the residents of any county in this State shall file a petition with the clerk of the board of county commissioners, signed by qualified electors of the county, who are also taxpayers of the county as appears by the last real or personal property assessment roll, equal in number to at least 60 percent […]
1. At the time specified in the notice, the board of county commissioners shall meet and inquire into and determine the sufficiency of the petition and the validity of the signatures thereto, and if sufficient and signed by the required number, the board shall make an order directing that the proposition to remove the county […]
The order shall state the time and places where the proposition is to be voted upon, and the board of county commissioners shall cause a certified copy of such order to be published in some newspaper of general circulation published in the county as may be designated by the board, at least once in each […]
The ballots to be voted at the election must have printed thereon the words “For removal of the county seat to …………….” (inserting the name of the place to which removal is proposed) and “Against removal of the county seat to …………….” (inserting the name of the place to which removal is proposed). The ballot […]
1. If a majority of the votes cast on the proposition of removal is in favor of removal of the county seat, so soon as convenient buildings can be had at such new county seat the board of county commissioners shall cause all the county records, county offices and property pertaining thereto, and all county […]
When a new county seat shall have been established in accordance with NRS 243.460 to 243.490, inclusive, the board of county commissioners shall cause due notice thereof to be published in some newspaper of general circulation published in the county for 4 consecutive weeks, being four publications, and all suits, actions, process, prosecutions and proceedings […]