Except as otherwise provided in NRS 253.125: 1. Except as otherwise provided in subsections 4 and 5 or as altered pursuant to the mechanism set forth in NRS 244.1507, public administrators must be elected by the qualified electors of their respective counties. 2. Public administrators must be chosen by the electors of their respective counties […]
1. Every person elected to fill the office of public administrator must qualify as required in this section on or before the first Monday of January next after his or her election. 2. Every public administrator shall: (a) Take the constitutional official oath, which is for the faithful performance of the duties of his or […]
1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 5, a public administrator may appoint as many deputies as the public administrator deems necessary to perform fully the duties of his or her office. A deputy so appointed may perform all duties required of the public administrator and has the corresponding powers and responsibilities. Before entering upon […]
1. Public administrators and persons employed or contracted with pursuant to NRS 253.125, as applicable, may administer on the estates of any deceased persons in any cases where by law they are entitled to administer by virtue of their position. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 253.0403 and 253.0425, public administrators and any persons employed […]
1. When the gross value of a decedent’s property situated in this State does not exceed $25,000, a public administrator or a person employed or contracted with pursuant to NRS 253.125, as applicable, may, without procuring letters of administration, administer the estate of that person upon filing with the court an affidavit of his or […]
1. Subject to the provisions of subsections 2 and 3, before the issuance of the letters of administration for an estate, before filing an affidavit to administer an estate pursuant to NRS 253.0403, before petitioning to have an estate set aside pursuant to NRS 253.0425, and without giving notice to the next of kin, the […]
1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, a public administrator or a person employed or contracted with pursuant to NRS 253.125, as applicable, with regard to the personal property of the estate of a decedent, may donate property that has a value of less than $250 to a nonprofit organization, or destroy property that […]
1. The public administrator or the person employed or contracted with pursuant to NRS 253.125, as applicable, shall: (a) Investigate: (1) The financial status of any decedent for whom he or she has been requested to serve as administrator to determine the assets and liabilities of the estate. (2) Whether there is any qualified person […]
In connection with an investigation conducted pursuant to subsection 1 of NRS 253.0415, a public administrator or a person employed or contracted with pursuant to NRS 253.125, as applicable, may: 1. Require any spouse, parent, child or other kindred of the decedent to give any information and to execute any written requests or authorizations necessary […]
1. If the public administrator or a person employed or contracted with pursuant to NRS 253.125, as applicable, finds that there is no qualified person willing and able to administer the estate of a particular decedent, the public administrator or person shall investigate further to estimate its gross value. 2. If the estate appears to […]
1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, the public administrator may, within the limits of appropriations for his or her office: (a) Be provided with sufficient facilities and supplies for the proper performance of his or her duties. (b) Employ subordinates necessary for the proper performance of his or her duties. (c) Contract for […]
1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, a public administrator may file with the board of county commissioners a request for payment for expenses incurred in the performance of such duties. The amount to be paid as expenses must be determined by the board. Payment must be made from the general fund of the […]
1. For the administration of the estates of deceased persons: (a) Public administrators are entitled to be paid as other administrators or executors are paid, subject to the provisions of NRS 245.043. (b) Persons employed or contracted with pursuant to NRS 253.125 are entitled to be paid as other administrators or executors are paid. 2. […]
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, public administrators and persons employed or contracted with pursuant to NRS 253.125, in administering upon estates, shall be governed by the same rules and laws by which other administrators or executors are governed. [9:88:1883; BH § 2229; C § 2380; RL § 1623; NCL § 2100]—(NRS A 2019, […]
All persons, and especially all civil officers, shall give all information in their possession to public administrators and persons employed or contracted with pursuant to NRS 253.125 respecting estates and the property and condition thereof, upon which no other person has then administered. [Part 8:88:1883; BH § 2228; C § 2379; RL § 1622; NCL […]
Public administrators and persons employed or contracted with pursuant to NRS 253.125 shall institute, maintain and prosecute all necessary actions at law and in equity for the recovery and for the protection of the property, debts, papers or other estate of any deceased person upon whose estate they may be administering. [Part 8:88:1883; BH § […]
1. The board of county commissioners shall: (a) Establish regulations for the form of any reports made by the public administrator or a person employed or contracted with pursuant to NRS 253.125, as applicable. (b) Review reports submitted to the board by the public administrator or a person employed or contracted with pursuant to NRS […]
No public administrator or person employed or contracted with pursuant to NRS 253.125 may be: 1. Interested in any expenditures of any kind, made on account of any estate of a deceased person which he or she is administering, except as necessarily made in the course of the administration. 2. Associated in business with anyone […]
1. Public administrators shall, at the expiration of their terms of office, surrender up to their successors in office all the books or papers belonging or appertaining to the office, including all exhibits, estates, money and property in their possession; but upon the expiration of the term of office of any public administrator before the […]
1. A board of county commissioners of a county whose population is less than 100,000 may by ordinance abolish the office of public administrator. 2. If a board of county commissioners abolishes the office of public administrator pursuant to subsection 1: (a) The person who was elected, appointed or serves as ex officio public administrator […]