NRS 268.110 – Creation by ordinance.
The city council or governing body under any other name of any incorporated city may, by ordinance, create a city planning commission for such city. [Part 1:131:1921; NCL § 1267]
The city council or governing body under any other name of any incorporated city may, by ordinance, create a city planning commission for such city. [Part 1:131:1921; NCL § 1267]
1. The city planning commission shall consist of the mayor, the city attorney, the city engineer, ex officio, and 7 other members to be appointed by the mayor, not more than 2 of whom shall be nonresidents of the city. 2. At the first meeting of the commission, the 7 appointed members shall choose their […]
1. The members of the city planning commission shall annually elect a president and vice president from the appointed members and may elect a secretary, who need not be a member of the commission. 2. The secretary shall keep an accurate record of all proceedings. [Part 3:131:1921; NCL § 1269]
The city council shall assign to the commission an office or headquarters in the city hall, if possible, in which to hold its meetings, transact its business, and keep its records. [Part 3:131:1921; NCL § 1269]
The city planning commission may adopt bylaws and rules and regulations for its government and in connection with its duties, not inconsistent with the provisions of NRS 268.110 to 268.220, inclusive, or of any ordinance creating the commission. [Part 3:131:1921; NCL § 1269]—(NRS A 1987, 1714)
The city planning commission shall not have power or authority to incur any expense other than such as may be authorized by the city council. [Part 3:131:1921; NCL § 1269]
The city planning commission shall prepare and file with the city council an annual report at the end of each calendar year. [Part 3:131:1921; NCL § 1269]
Except as otherwise provided by law, the city planning commission may: 1. Recommend and advise the city council and all other public authorities concerning: (a) The laying out, widening, extending, paving, parking and locating of streets, sidewalks and boulevards. (b) The betterment of housing and sanitary conditions, and the establishment of zones or districts within […]
The city planning commission may receive gifts, bequests or devises of property to carry out any of the purposes of NRS 268.110 to 268.220, inclusive, and has control and distribution over those gifts, bequests and devises of property. [7:131:1921; NCL § 1273]—(NRS A 1987, 1715)