1. In addition to any authority or power now provided by the charter of any incorporated city in this State, whether incorporated by general or special act, or otherwise, except as otherwise provided in this section, there is hereby granted to each of the cities incorporated under any law of this State the power and […]
As used in this section, NRS 268.092 and 268.093, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. “Farmers’ market” means a place of business where the actual producer of farm products can bring the products for direct sale to consumers. The term includes a place of business where a person rents space to producers for the sale […]
1. The city council or other governing body of any incorporated city in the State of Nevada, whether organized under general law or special charter, may provide by ordinance for the licensing and regulating of farmers’ markets. 2. Every person who establishes a farmers’ market shall make application to the city council or other governing […]
1. The person licensed by the city council or other governing body of an incorporated city to establish a farmers’ market is: (a) Responsible for the collection of any taxes required pursuant to chapters 372, 374 and 377 of NRS. (b) An employer as defined in NRS 616A.230 for the purpose of providing coverage under […]
1. Except as otherwise provided in subsections 4 and 9 and NRS 268.0951, 268.0977, 268.0979 and 268.09791 to 268.09799, inclusive, the city council or other governing body of each incorporated city in this State, whether organized under general law or special charter, may: (a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2 and NRS 268.0968 and […]
1. The governing body of each incorporated city whose population is 150,000 or more and which is located in a county whose population is 700,000 or more, whether organized under general law or special charter, shall enter into an agreement in accordance with the provisions of NRS 277.080 to 277.180, inclusive, with the board of […]
1. Any license tax: (a) Which is levied by a city located in a county whose population is 100,000 or more against any lawful trade, calling, industry, occupation, profession or business conducted in that city; (b) Whose proceeds are pledged for the payment of any bonds or other obligations issued pursuant to the provisions of […]
1. In an incorporated city in which a license to engage in a business is required, the city council or other governing body of the city shall not issue such a license unless the applicant for the license: (a) Signs an affidavit affirming that the business: (1) Has received coverage by a private carrier as […]
1. The city council or other governing body of an incorporated city may adopt an ordinance requiring: (a) A hosting platform that facilitates the rental of a residential unit in the incorporated city or a room or space within such a residential unit for the purposes of transient lodging to submit a quarterly report to […]
1. The city council or other governing body of each incorporated city: (a) In a county whose population is 700,000 or more, shall impose a tax at a rate of 2 percent; and (b) In a county whose population is less than 700,000, shall impose a tax at the rate of 1 percent, of the […]
The proceeds of the tax imposed pursuant to NRS 268.096 and any applicable penalty or interest must be distributed as follows: 1. In a county whose population is 700,000 or more: (a) Three-eighths of the first 1 percent of the proceeds must be paid to the Department of Taxation for deposit with the State Treasurer […]
The proceeds of the tax imposed pursuant to NRS 268.096 may not be used: 1. As additional security for the payment of, or to redeem, any general obligation bonds issued pursuant to NRS 244A.597. 2. To defray the costs of collecting or administering the tax incurred by the county fair and recreation board. 3. To […]
On or before August 15 of each year, the governing body of each city shall submit a report to the Department of Taxation which states: 1. The rate of all taxes imposed on the revenues from the rental of transient lodging pursuant to NRS 268.095 and 268.096 and any special act in the preceding fiscal […]
1. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 268.096 and 268.801 to 268.808, inclusive, a city located in a county whose population is 700,000 or more shall not impose a new tax on the rental of transient lodging or increase the rate of an existing tax on the rental of transient lodging after March 25, 1991. […]
1. Except as otherwise provided in subsections 2 and 3, notwithstanding the provisions of any local, special or general law, after July 1, 1963, the governing body of any incorporated city in this State, whether incorporated by general or special act, or otherwise, may not supervise or regulate any taxicab motor carrier as defined in […]
1. The governing body of each city in a county whose population is 700,000 or more shall enact an ordinance requiring a person other than a public utility who: (a) Purchases paging services from a public utility; and (b) Resells those paging services to another person for use primarily in the incorporated area of the […]
1. If the governing body of an incorporated city requires a license to engage in business as a pawnbroker, it shall also require an additional license if the pawnbroker accepts motor vehicles as pledged property or in any other manner allows the use of a motor vehicle as collateral for a loan. 2. The governing […]
1. The governing body of an incorporated city in this State, whether organized pursuant to general law or special charter shall, by ordinance, require each person who wishes to engage in the business of a secondhand dealer in the incorporated city to obtain a license issued by the governing body before the person engages in […]
1. The governing body of each city in this State shall provide by ordinance for the licensing of tent shows, circuses, theme parks and permanent exhibitions in their respective cities. 2. In no case may a license for a tent show or circus be issued for a sum of less than $25 per day or […]
1. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the governing body of an incorporated city, whether organized under general law or special charter, shall not fix, impose or collect for revenues or for regulation, or both, a license tax on a cannabis establishment located within its corporate limits. 2. Except as otherwise provided in subsection […]