US Lawyer Database

For Lawyer-Seekers


NRS 269.250 – Fire companies or departments: Appointment of officers and employees; salaries; arson investigators designated as peace officers.

1. The town board or board of county commissioners shall in any unincorporated town in their respective counties: (a) Provide for the prevention and extinguishment of fires. (b) Organize, regulate, establish and disband fire companies or fire departments. (c) Provide for the payment of fire companies or fire departments, and the appointment and payment of […]

NRS 269.255 – Tax for benefit of fire department; fire department fund.

1. The boards of county commissioners of the various counties of this state are empowered to levy and collect a tax of not exceeding 1.5 percent upon the assessed value of the property within any unincorporated town for the benefit of the fire department in the town. 2. The county commissioners shall prescribe the boundaries […]

NRS 269.260 – Ex officio fire wardens: Appointment; duties.

1. The police officers appointed under the provisions of NRS 269.240 are ex officio fire wardens of the unincorporated towns for which they are acting as police officers. 2. The fire wardens shall: (a) In the daytime, examine all houses, buildings or superstructures within the town where they are acting as fire wardens and police […]

NRS 269.265 – Failure to repair defective fixture: Penalty.

Any person, after being notified by a fire warden to repair any defective chimney, flue, furnace, range, oven, stovepipe or fixture therewith connected so as to prevent it from endangering the property of the town from destruction or loss by fire, who neglects or refuses, for a longer time than 24 hours after notice in […]