Whenever: 1. The map or plat of any city or of any part thereof or addition thereto, filed or recorded in accordance with the then existing law or filed and recorded in accordance with this chapter is, by reason of error or mistake, or lack of sufficient description, or by reason of the fact that […]
1. The city council, or other legislative board of any such city, upon its own motion or resolution or upon the petition of any property holder and taxpayer within the city, affected by such loss, destruction, uncertainty, ambiguity, confusion or conflict, may instruct and employ the city surveyor or the county surveyor of the county […]
1. The city council or other legislative board of the city shall allow to the city engineer or county engineer or other engineer employed for making such survey and maps a reasonable compensation for the services of the engineer so employed and for the services of such assistant or assistants as that engineer may employ […]
1. When the survey has been completed and the map or maps, or plat or plats, prepared as provided in NRS 270.010 to 270.150, inclusive, the board or council shall cause sufficient prints thereof to be made, whereupon the original map or maps so prepared shall be filed with the clerk of the board or […]
1. Objections or exceptions to such maps or plats shall be in writing, under the oath of the objecting or excepting party, and shall be filed with the clerk of the board not later than 60 days after the first publication of the notice and the clerk shall endorse his or her filing marks thereon. […]
1. Within 30 days after the expiration of the 60 days from the date of the first publication, the city council, or other legislative board of the city shall commence an action in the district court of the State of Nevada, in and for the county in which the city is situate, in which such […]
1. The summons in the action need not contain a description by lot or block numbers or by metes and bounds, but shall refer generally to the purpose of the action and shall contain the name of the city or part thereof or addition thereto to be affected by the action. 2. A copy of […]
1. Further pleadings may be served and filed in the action in all respects as provided in the Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure for other actions and the cause shall proceed in all respects in accordance with the regular practice in courts of record in this State. 2. When the cause is at issue upon […]
1. The findings of fact and conclusions of law and judgment must be made and entered as in other cases, and exceptions, motions for new trial and appeals may be had as provided in NRS and the Nevada Rules of Appellate Procedure. 2. The court or judge thereof shall in the findings and decree establish […]
1. In the event of any appeal, as mentioned in NRS 270.090, it shall only be necessary for the appellant: (a) To appeal from such part of the judgment, decree, order denying motion for new trial, etc., as applies to the particular controversy upon which such appeal is taken; and (b) To cause to be […]
The city council, or other legislative board of the city, may cause such action to be commenced and prosecuted by the city attorney of such city or the district attorney of the county in which such city is situate or may retain additional or other counsel for the purpose of the action and may allow […]
1. The court or judge trying the cause may refer any questions of fact arising therein to a master or commissioner for findings and determination, and the findings of such master or commissioner shall be subject to review by such court or judge. 2. The court or judge before whom the cause is tried shall […]
1. The court or judge trying the cause shall have full equitable jurisdiction to settle and determine all rights, conflicts and controversies arising out of any situation wherein it is claimed or alleged that improvements owned by any of the defendants encroach upon any streets, alleys or other public places. 2. If it appear to […]
NRS 270.010 to 270.150, inclusive, shall apply to like extent to towns within the State of Nevada, the word “town” being substituted wherever the word “city” appears therein and “the legislative board of the town” (or, in the event that such town have no legislative board, then the “board of county commissioners of the county […]
The rights and remedies provided for in NRS 270.010 to 270.150, inclusive, shall be in addition to those existing under subsisting law in regard to the establishing and vacating of townsites or parts thereof or property devoted to public purposes therein. [13:120:1919; 1919 RL p. 2668; NCL § 1369]