As used in NRS 278.497 to 278.4987, inclusive, the words and terms defined in NRS 278.4971 to 278.4977, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections, unless the context otherwise requires. (Added to NRS by 1973, 1447; A 1975, 1564; 1977, 1508)
“Apartment house” means a building arranged in several suites of connecting rooms, each suite designed for independent housekeeping, but with certain typical mechanical conveniences, such as air-conditioning, heat, light or elevator services shared in common by all families occupying the building. (Added to NRS by 1973, 1447)
“Mobile home” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 461A.050. (Added to NRS by 1973, 1447; A 1999, 1689)
“Mobile home lot” means any area or tract of land designated, designed or used for the occupancy of a mobile home. (Added to NRS by 1973, 1447)
“Residential dwelling unit” means a building or a portion of a building, planned, designed or used as a residence for one family only, living independently of other families or persons, and having its own bathroom and housekeeping facilities included in the unit. (Added to NRS by 1973, 1447)
The governing body of a city or county may, by ordinance, require that a subdivider of land or a developer of land for mobile home lots or an apartment house dedicate such land areas, sites and locations for park and playground purposes as are reasonably necessary to serve the proposed subdivision or development and the […]
1. The ordinance adopted pursuant to NRS 278.4979 must, insofar as practicable, conform to the recreation plan incorporated in the applicable master plan. 2. If no recreation plan is incorporated in the master plan, the ordinance must, by means of accompanying maps, diagrams, charts, descriptive matter and reports, also adopt a recreation plan. The plan […]
1. The ordinance adopted pursuant to NRS 278.4979 must set forth the standards to be applied in determining the amount of land that is required to be dedicated. The ordinance must contain standards determining the amount, quality and location of land that is required to be dedicated which are based upon the number and type […]
1. If the land area dedicated by any subdivider or developer exceeds a proportionate contribution to the total park site, taking into consideration the total residents of the subdivision or development and residents of nearby areas reasonably expected to benefit therefrom, the subdivider or developer making the dedication shall be compensated at fair market value […]
1. The city council of any city or the board of county commissioners of any county which has adopted a master plan and recreation plan, as provided in this chapter, which includes, as a part of the plan, future or present sites for neighborhood parks may, by ordinance, impose a residential construction tax pursuant to […]
1. The city council of any city or the board of county commissioners of any county which has adopted a master plan as provided in this chapter which includes future or present sites for parks and playgrounds may require that: (a) The developers of a planned unit development dedicate land as provided by NRS 278.4979, […]
1. The requirement for dedication of land under NRS 278.4979, 278.498 and 278.4981 and the imposition of the residential construction tax under NRS 278.4983, are mutually exclusive as to any particular subdivision, apartment house, mobile home lot or residential dwelling unit which may be benefited or affected by any such requirement or imposition. 2. Any […]