In any region of this state for which there has been established by interstate compact a regional planning agency, the powers of any district organized, reorganized or required to reorganize under this chapter with respect to the location and construction of all improvements are subordinate to the powers of such regional planning agency. (Added to […]
Subject to the limitations of this chapter, the board shall have perpetual existence. (Added to NRS by 1959, 462)
The board shall have the power to have and use a corporate seal. (Added to NRS by 1959, 462)
The board shall have the power to sue and be sued, and be a party to suits, actions and proceedings. (Added to NRS by 1959, 462)
Any one, all or any combination of the following basic powers may be granted to a district in proceedings for its organization, or its reorganization pursuant to NRS 318.077 and all provisions in this chapter supplemental thereto, or as may be otherwise provided by statute: 1. Furnishing electric light and power, as provided in NRS […]
If a district is created, wholly or in part, to furnish electric light and power, the board may: 1. Acquire, by purchase, condemnation or other legal means, all lands, rights and other property necessary for the construction, use and supply, operation, maintenance, repair and improvement of the works of the district, including, without limitation, the […]
A board of trustees may develop natural sources of energy for and supply the energy for space heating. (Added to NRS by 1979, 572)
In the case of a district created wholly or in part for the establishment of an area or zone for the preservation of one or more species or subspecies of wildlife that has been declared endangered or threatened pursuant to the federal Endangered Species Act of 1973, 16 U.S.C. §§ 1531 et seq., the board […]
1. In the case of a district created wholly or in part for exterminating and abating mosquitoes, flies, other insects, rats, and liver fluke or Fasciola hepatica, the board may: (a) Take all necessary or proper steps for the extermination of mosquitoes, flies, other insects, rats, or liver fluke or Fasciola hepatica in the district […]
1. In the case of a district created wholly or in part for the purpose of furnishing fire protection, the board may: (a) Acquire fire protection equipment and acquire, construct or improve fire protection facilities and make improvements necessary and incidental thereto; (b) Eliminate fire hazards existing within the district in the manner prescribed in […]
In the case of a district created wholly or in part for furnishing emergency medical services, the board may: 1. Acquire any equipment and property necessary for those services; 2. Hire and supervise emergency medical technicians certified pursuant to chapter 450B of NRS and other personnel necessary to carry out the functions of the district; […]
1. In the case of a district created wholly or in part for acquiring facilities for FM radio, the board has the power to: (a) Acquire broadcast, transmission and relay improvements for FM radio. (b) Levy special assessments against specially benefited real property on which are located receivers operated within the district and able to […]
In the case of a district created wholly or in part for acquiring public cemetery improvements, the board shall have the power to: 1. Maintain a cemetery for the use of all inhabitants of the district, and for that purpose shall be capable of holding title to property in trust for the district. 2. Levy […]
1. In the case of a district created wholly or in part for acquiring swimming pool improvements, the board shall have power to acquire real property swimming pool improvements, appurtenant shower, locker and other bathhouse facilities, and lighting, filtration and other equipment pertaining thereto. 2. The district shall not have the power in connection with […]
In the case of a district created wholly or in part for acquiring television maintenance facilities, the board shall have power to: 1. Acquire television broadcast, transmission and relay improvements and construct and operate a video service network pursuant to chapter 711 of NRS. 2. Levy special assessments against specially benefited real property on which […]
In the case of a district created wholly or in part for acquiring fencing improvements, the board shall have the power to construct, reconstruct or replace fences for the protection of any area within the district and to acquire improvements necessary thereto. (Added to NRS by 1971, 261)
1. In the case of a district created wholly or in part for acquiring paving, the board shall have the power to grade and regrade and to surface and to resurface streets, alleys and public highways, and parts thereof, within the district, with suitable material, and to acquire street and alley improvements necessary and incidental […]
In the case of a district created wholly or in part for acquiring curb and gutter, the board shall have the power to improve streets within the district by grading and regrading and by the construction and reconstruction of curb, gutter and combined curb and gutter, in combination with sidewalk or otherwise, and to acquire […]
In the case of a district created wholly or in part for acquiring sidewalk, the board shall have the power to construct, reconstruct, replace or extend sidewalks, adjacent to or in combination with curb and gutter or otherwise, within the district, and to acquire improvements necessary and incidental thereto. (Added to NRS by 1959, 462)
In the case of a district created wholly or in part for acquiring, improving or operating storm drainage or flood control improvements, the board may construct, reconstruct, replace or extend storm sewer and other drainage or flood control facilities and improvements necessary and incidental thereto within the district, including, but not limited to, the laying […]