1. There is hereby created in the State General Fund the Account for Affordable Housing, to be administered by the Division. All money that is collected for the use of the Account from any source, including pursuant to a specific statute, tax, legislative appropriation, gift or grant, or from interest earned on specified public or […]
1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, money deposited in the Account for Affordable Housing must be used: (a) For the acquisition, construction or rehabilitation of affordable housing for eligible families by public or private nonprofit charitable organizations, housing authorities or local governments through loans, grants or subsidies; (b) To provide technical and financial […]
1. The Administrator shall consult with representatives of housing authorities, organizations of persons with low income, providers of housing, financial institutions and other persons interested in the provision of affordable housing, and adopt regulations establishing: (a) Criteria for the distribution and use of money from the Account for Affordable Housing; and (b) Procedures for the […]
1. A tenant of housing acquired, constructed or rehabilitated with any money from the Account for Affordable Housing created by NRS 319.500 must be allowed to keep one or more pets within the residence of a tenant in accordance with any applicable laws and ordinances. 2. The provisions of subsection 1 do not prohibit the […]