NRS 349.186 – “Net revenues” and “net pledged revenues” defined.
“Net revenues” or “net pledged revenues” means “gross revenues,” after the deduction of operation and maintenance expenses. (Added to NRS by 1967, 774)
“Net revenues” or “net pledged revenues” means “gross revenues,” after the deduction of operation and maintenance expenses. (Added to NRS by 1967, 774)
1. “Operation and maintenance expenses,” or any phrase of similar import, means all reasonable and necessary current expenses of the State, paid or accrued, of operating, maintaining and repairing the facilities or of levying, collecting and otherwise administrating any excise taxes pertaining to the pledged revenues for the payment of the bonds or other securities […]
“Pledged revenues” means the moneys pledged wholly or in part for the payment of bonds or other state securities issued in accordance with the provisions of the State Securities Law, and, subject to any existing pledges or other contractual limitations: 1. May include at the Commission’s discretion moneys derived from one, all or any combination […]
“Project” means any undertaking or undertakings which the Commission is authorized by law (other than the State Securities Law) to complete in its name or in the name of the State, the cost of which the Commission is authorized by law (other than the State Securities Law) to defray by the issuance of bonds or […]
“Secretary” means the de facto or de jure Secretary of State of the State of Nevada, or his or her successor in functions, if any. (Added to NRS by 1967, 775)
“State securities” or “securities” means notes, warrants, bonds, temporary bonds and interim debentures authorized to be issued hereunder in the name and on the behalf of the State acting by and through the Commission. (Added to NRS by 1967, 775)
“State” means the State of Nevada, or any board, department or other agency or instrumentality thereof. Where the context so indicates, “State” means the geographical area comprising the State of Nevada. “State” does not include the Nevada Rural Housing Authority. (Added to NRS by 1967, 775; A 1971, 2110; 1995, 815)
“Taxation” means the levy and collection of taxes as defined in NRS 349.204, but in NRS 349.354 “taxation” pertains to any type of tax, including, without limitation, any business, occupation or privilege tax, any other excise tax, and any property tax, except for the tax on estates imposed pursuant to the provisions of chapter 375A […]
“Taxes” means general (ad valorem) property taxes. (Added to NRS by 1967, 775)
“Treasurer” means the de facto or de jure State Treasurer of the State of Nevada, or his or her successor in functions, if any. (Added to NRS by 1967, 775)
“Trust bank” means: 1. A commercial bank as defined in NRS 349.160 that is authorized to exercise and is exercising trust powers. 2. A branch of the Federal Reserve Bank. 3. A credit union whose deposits are insured by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund or by a private insurer approved pursuant to NRS […]
“United States” means the United States of America; and where the context so indicates, “United States” means the geographical area comprising the United States of America. (Added to NRS by 1967, 775; A 1971, 2110)
In connection with any project, the State, acting by and through the Commission, except as herein otherwise provided, may: 1. Sue and be sued; 2. Acquire and hold real or personal property, or rights or interests therein, and water rights; 3. Dispose of unnecessary or obsolete property, or property obtained for persons or political subdivisions […]
1. The Commission may: (a) Exercise on behalf of the State the power of eminent domain in the manner provided in chapter 37 of NRS, except as herein otherwise provided; (b) Take any property necessary to carry out any of the objects or purposes concerning such a project, whether the property is already devoted to […]
For the purpose of paying the cost of any project authorized by law (other than the State Securities Law), at any time or from time to time the State may borrow money or otherwise become obligated for the project and may evidence any such obligation by the issuance of state securities in accordance with the […]
The State may issue, in one series or more, without the state securities being authorized at any election in the absence of an expressed provision to the contrary in the act authorizing the project and the issuance of state securities therefor or in any act supplemental thereto, in anticipation of taxes or pledged revenues, or […]
Notes and warrants may mature at such time or times not exceeding 1 year from the date or the respective dates of their issuance as the Commission may determine. They shall not be extended or funded except by the issuance of bonds or interim debentures in compliance with NRS 349.318 to 349.326, inclusive, and other […]
Each temporary bond shall set forth substantially the same conditions, terms and provisions as the definitive bond for which it is exchanged. Each holder of a temporary bond shall have all the rights and remedies which he or she would have as a holder of the definitive bond for which the temporary bond is to […]
The resolution authorizing the issuance of any state securities hereunder shall describe the purpose or purposes for which they are issued at least in general terms and may describe any purpose in detail. (Added to NRS by 1967, 777)
1. A particular issue of state securities may be sold as an investment for the purpose of accumulating money for the future generally or to defray prospectively the anticipated costs of college if: (a) The resolution authorizing its issuance states that purpose and the State Board of Finance approves the sale for that purpose; and […]