Except as otherwise expressly provided in a particular statute: 1. All money which belongs to the State must be deposited in the State Treasury. 2. All money which is deposited in the State Treasury must be credited to the State General Fund. (Added to NRS by 1979, 611)
1. The State Treasurer shall designate the financial institutions into which money received by a state officer, department or commission must be deposited. 2. Except as otherwise provided in subsections 3, 4 and 5, every state officer, department or commission which receives or which may receive any money of the State of Nevada or for […]
The State Agency Fund for Bonds is hereby created as an agency fund. The Fund is a continuing fund without reversion. The State Controller may establish such accounts in the State Agency Fund for Bonds as are necessary to account properly for surety bonds or deposits held by the various agencies of the State. The […]
1. The State Board of Examiners may authorize its Clerk, under such circumstances as it deems appropriate, to authorize a state agency to establish a petty cash account of not more than $500 out of the agency’s budgeted resources. 2. If a petty cash account is authorized for any state agency pursuant to this section, […]
1. Every agency, department and institution of the State of Nevada shall deposit all money received from the Federal Government, the counties or other sources, in the State Treasury as provided in NRS 353.250 unless otherwise provided by law. These deposits must be made to work program accounts directly or to other budget accounts. 2. […]
The State Controller shall account for all amounts received by the State for distribution to local governments and all amounts received from local governments for distribution to state funds through the Intergovernmental Fund which is hereby created as an agency fund. (Added to NRS by 1977, 199; A 1989, 309)
1. The sums appropriated for the various branches of expenditure in the public service of the State shall be applied solely to the objects for which they are respectively made, and for no others. 2. Any person violating the provisions of subsection 1 shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500. [1:165:1915; […]
Whenever moneys have been appropriated from the General Fund to a specific fund created for the purpose of carrying on certain activities or accomplishing certain objectives, and no provision has been made for the reversion to the General Fund of any moneys which remain in such specific fund after the completion of the activities or […]
1. It is unlawful for any state officer, commissioner, head of any state department or other employee, whether elected or appointed, to expend more money than the sum specifically appropriated by law for any such office, commission or department. 2. It is unlawful for any state officer, commissioner, head of any department or employee of […]
When the State Board of Examiners finds, after diligent inquiry and examination, that: 1. As a result of payment for terminal leave, sick leave or unused sick leave to any state officer or employee or his or her beneficiary, sufficient appropriated money does not remain available to permit the payment of a salary when due […]
1. As used in this section, “emergency” means invasion, disaster, insurrection, riot, breach of the peace, substantial threat to life or property, epidemic or the imminent danger thereof. The term includes damage to or the disintegration of a building owned by this state or of the mechanical or electrical system of such a building when […]
1. The Reserve for Statutory Contingency Account is hereby created in the State General Fund. 2. The State Board of Examiners shall administer the Reserve for Statutory Contingency Account. The money in the Account must be expended only for: (a) The payment of claims which are obligations of the State pursuant to NRS 41.03435, 41.0347, […]
1. There is hereby created the Nevada Protection Account in the State General Fund. 2. The money in the Account must be used to protect the State of Nevada and its residents through funding activities to prevent the location of a federal nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain. 3. The Account must be administered by […]