1. Whenever an amount has been paid into a county treasury for taxes which exceeds the amount required by law to be paid for the applicable tax year, and all or part of the amount so paid has been deposited in the State Treasury, a claim for refund of that portion of the overpayment which […]
A claim for refund of money deposited in the State Treasury or paid to a state agency or officer shall be made within 1 year from the date of such deposit or payment unless: 1. Payment was made under protest; or 2. The statute applicable to claims against or refunds by a particular state agency […]
1. If the State Board of Examiners is satisfied of the correctness and justice of a claim for refund of money paid into a county treasury and deposited in the State Treasury, it shall order the State Controller to draw his or her warrant for the amount of the overpayment so deposited in favor of […]