1. A wholesale dealer shall not engage in predatory pricing with intent to injure competitors or destroy or lessen competition substantially by: (a) Advertising, offering to sell or selling at wholesale, cigarettes at less than the cost to the wholesale dealer; or (b) Offering any rebate or concession in price or giving any rebate or […]
The Commission may adopt regulations for the enforcement of NRS 370.371 to 370.378, inclusive. (Added to NRS by 1989, 1515; A 1993, 2474; 2019, 631)
In determining the cost of cigarettes to a wholesale dealer: 1. A fractional part of a cent amounting to 1/10 of 1 cent or more in cost to the wholesale dealer per carton of 10 packages of cigarettes must be rounded off to the next higher cent. 2. The invoice cost of cigarettes purchased at […]
In advertisements, offers for sale or sales involving two or more items, at least one of which is cigarettes, at a combined price, and in advertisements, offers for sale or sales involving the giving of a concession, the wholesale dealer’s selling price must not be below the cost to the wholesale dealer of the cigarettes […]
A wholesale dealer who sells cigarettes bought from another wholesale dealer to a retail dealer, or for use or consumption, shall be deemed to be making a sale at wholesale. (Added to NRS by 1989, 1515; A 1993, 2475)
The provisions of NRS 370.371 to 370.378, inclusive, do not apply to a sale at wholesale made: 1. As an isolated transaction and not in the usual course of business; 2. When cigarettes are advertised, offered for sale or sold in a bona fide clearance sale for the purpose of discontinuing trade in the cigarettes, […]
1. A wholesale dealer may advertise, offer to sell or sell cigarettes at a price made in good faith to meet the lawful price of a competitor who is rendering the same type of service and is selling the same article at cost to him or her as a wholesale dealer. 2. The price of […]
A contract made by a person in violation of any of the provisions of NRS 370.371 to 370.378, inclusive, is void and no recovery thereon may be made. (Added to NRS by 1989, 1516; A 2019, 631)
1. An action may be maintained in any court of competent jurisdiction to prevent, restrain or enjoin a violation or threatened violation of any provision of NRS 370.371 to 370.378, inclusive. An action may be instituted by any person injured by a violation or threatened violation of NRS 370.371 to 370.378, inclusive, or by the […]