1. Whenever, as a result of any assignment or action, money for the support of a dependent child is paid, such payment must be paid to the enforcing authority upon written notice by the enforcing authority to the responsible parent and the person who cares for and has custody and control of the dependent child […]
Except as otherwise required to carry out the provisions of 42 U.S.C. § 654b, all money collected in fees, costs, attorney’s fees, interest payments, incentive payments or other payments received by the Administrator which cannot be identified as to the support account to which it should be credited, must be deposited in the State General […]
Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3 of NRS 425.410, any money recovered by the enforcing authority under this chapter must be distributed pursuant to regulations adopted by the Division which must not disqualify this state for federal grants under Title IV of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. §§ 601 et seq.). (Added to […]
Any support debt due the Division from a responsible parent which the Administrator deems uncollectible may be transferred from accounts receivable to a suspense account and cease to be accounted as an asset. At any time after 1 year from the date a support debt was incurred, the Administrator may charge off as uncollectible any […]
1. The Division shall adopt regulations establishing a formula for: (a) The adjustment of court orders for the support of children based upon changes in the cost of living; and (b) The times at which such an adjustment is appropriate. 2. If a request for the review of a court order for the support of […]
1. The Administrator shall enter into agreements with financial institutions doing business in this state to coordinate the development and operation of a system for matching data, using automated exchanges of data to the maximum extent feasible. 2. A financial institution doing business in this state shall: (a) Cooperate with the Administrator in carrying out […]
1. The Chief shall send a notice by first-class mail to each responsible parent who is in arrears in any payment for the support of one or more children required pursuant to an order enforced by a court in this State. The notice must include a statement of the amount of the arrearage and the […]
1. If the Division determines that a responsible parent has made a fraudulent transfer of property for which an action for relief may be brought pursuant to chapter 112 of NRS, the Division shall: (a) Seek to avoid the transfer pursuant to NRS 112.210 or 112.220; or (b) Obtain any other relief available pursuant to […]
1. After paternity is alleged pursuant to NRS 425.3826, and a written response denying paternity and requesting a hearing is received by the Chief pursuant to paragraph (g) of subsection 1 of NRS 425.3824, the Chief shall order blood tests or tests for the genetic identification of the child, mother and alleged father if the […]