1. Every city of population categories one and two shall provide by ordinance for the establishment of a board of health. 2. A city of population category three may provide by ordinance for the establishment of a board of health. [Part 29:199:1911; added 1919, 221; 1919 RL p. 2892; NCL § 5263]—(NRS A 2001, 635)
1. The city board of health shall be composed of three members appointed by the mayor, at least one of whom may be learned in sanitary science and public health practice and experienced in the diagnosis of infectious diseases, in which case that member shall be the city health officer and the executive officer of […]
The governing authorities of any incorporated city may abolish the offices of the city board of health and the office of the city health officer for such city and thereby signify the city’s consent to be included in a county or district health department. The powers and duties of the city board of health and […]
The governing authorities of any incorporated city which has consented to be included in a county or district health department may, after a period of 3 years following such inclusion, provide by resolution for withdrawal therefrom and for the re-establishment of a city health department for the city. [Part 36:199:1911; added 1939, 297; 1931 NCL […]
The city board of health shall: 1. Oversee all sanitary conditions of the city in which the board is created. 2. Adopt such regulations as may be necessary for the prevention, suppression and control of any contagious or infectious disease dangerous to the public health, which regulations take effect immediately upon approval by the State […]
1. The city board of health may: (a) Abate nuisances in accordance with law. (b) Establish a temporary isolation hospital or quarantine station when an emergency demands the isolation or quarantine of a person or a group of persons. (c) Isolate any person or a group of persons with a communicable disease that is in […]