1. The Department is authorized, subject to approval by the Commission, to enter into agreements with landowners, individually or in groups, to establish wildlife management areas and to enforce regulations necessary thereto for the purpose of providing greater areas for the public to hunt or fish on private lands and to protect the landowner or […]
1. To effectuate a coordinated and balanced program resulting in the maximum revival of wildlife in the State and in the maximum recreational advantages to the people of the State, the Commission has created and maintains state-owned wildlife management areas, and, in cooperation with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the Department of Interior […]
Except as otherwise provided in a special act pertaining to a particular area: 1. The Department may, if such leases or sales do not interfere with the use of such real property for wildlife management or for hunting or fishing thereon: (a) Lease, for a term not exceeding 5 years, grazing or pasturage rights in […]