1. Operators shall maintain records and reports and shall submit, at least annually and at such other times as the Administrator deems necessary, and in the form the Administrator prescribes, reports of production, employment, mine activity and status, accidents, bodily injuries, loss of life, occupational illnesses and related data. 2. The Administrator shall compile, keep […]
At least once a year and at such other times as required the Administrator, or the Administrator’s designee, shall visit each mining county in this state and thoroughly inspect and investigate all such mines therein as, in the Administrator’s judgment, may require inspection and investigation for the purposes of: 1. Determining whether there has been […]
1. The Administrator may enter all mines in this state subject to the provisions of this chapter, for the purposes of inspections, investigations or access to records and reports required to be maintained or for any other purpose necessary in the proper discharge of the Administrator’s official duties. Operators shall render the Administrator such assistance […]
1. Whenever, as the result of the inspection of any mine, the Administrator finds that an imminent danger exists in the mine or with respect to the condition or manner of use of equipment, machinery or apparatus, the Administrator shall thereupon issue an order: (a) Requiring the operator to cause all persons except those referred […]
1. Notices and orders issued pursuant to this chapter: (a) Must contain a detailed description of the conditions or practices which cause and constitute a situation of imminent danger or a violation of any health or safety regulation or standard and, where appropriate, a description of the area of the mine from which persons, equipment, […]
1. Whenever any worker or a representative of the workers, if any, has reasonable grounds to believe that a violation of a health or safety regulation or standard exists, or an imminent danger exists, the worker or representative of the workers may obtain an inspection by giving notice to the Administrator of the violation or […]
Upon the unwarrantable failure of an operator to comply or upon refusal of an operator of any mine to comply with the requirements of any order issued to such operator, the Administrator may immediately notify the Attorney General of the unwarrantable failure to comply or the refusal. The Attorney General, or the district attorney of […]
1. Whenever a serious accident occurs in any mine in this state subject to the provisions of this chapter, the operator shall, immediately and by the quickest means, notify the Administrator or the Administrator’s deputy, as may be most convenient, of the accident, and shall take appropriate measures to preserve everything which might assist the […]