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Home » US Law » 2022 Nevada Revised Statutes » TITLE 48—WATER » Chapter 534 - Underground Water and Wells

NRS 534.010 – Definitions.

1. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NRS 534.0105 to 534.0175, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections. 2. As used in this chapter, the terms “underground water” and “groundwater” are synonymous. [Part 2:178:1939; A 1947, 52; 1949, 128; 1955, 328]—(NRS A […]

NRS 534.011 – “Area of active management” defined.

“Area of active management” means an area: 1. In which the State Engineer is conducting particularly close monitoring and regulation of the water supply because of heavy use of that supply; and 2. Which has received that designation by the State Engineer pursuant to NRS 534.030. (Added to NRS by 1987, 1770; A 1989, 598)

NRS 534.012 – “Artesian well” defined.

“Artesian well” means a well tapping an aquifer underlying an impervious material in which the static water level in the well stands above where it is first encountered in the aquifer. (Added to NRS by 1987, 1770)

NRS 534.013 – “Domestic use” and “domestic purposes” defined.

“Domestic use” or “domestic purposes” extends to culinary and household purposes directly related to: 1. A single-family dwelling; and 2. An accessory dwelling unit for a single-family dwelling if provided for in an applicable local ordinance, including, without limitation, the watering of a family garden and lawn and the watering of livestock and any other […]

NRS 534.014 – “Person” defined.

“Person” includes any municipal corporation, power district, political subdivision of this or any state, or an agency of the United States Government. (Added to NRS by 1987, 1770)

NRS 534.0145 – “Project” defined.

“Project” means a facility designed and constructed to add water to a system of aquifers, store water underground and recover that water pursuant to a permit issued pursuant to NRS 534.250. (Added to NRS by 1987, 1770)

NRS 534.015 – “Recharged water” defined.

“Recharged water” means water that reaches or percolates into an aquifer or system of aquifers: 1. Through natural processes; 2. By secondary recharge as a result of beneficial uses; or 3. Artificially through facilities specifically constructed for that purpose. (Added to NRS by 1987, 1770)

NRS 534.016 – “Stored water” defined.

“Stored water” means water which has been stored underground for the purpose of recovery pursuant to a permit issued pursuant to NRS 534.250. (Added to NRS by 1987, 1770)

NRS 534.0165 – “Waste” defined.

“Waste” means causing, suffering or permitting any artesian well to discharge water unnecessarily above or below the surface of the ground so that the waters thereof are lost for beneficial use or in any canal or ditch conveying water from a well where the loss of water in transit is more than 20 percent of […]

NRS 534.0175 – “Well drilling” and “drilling a well” defined.

“Well drilling” or “drilling a well” are synonymous, and mean drilling or boring new wells, placing casing in wells, cleaning and repairing existing wells, cementing wells and doing all other things normally associated with the construction or rehabilitation of wells. (Added to NRS by 1987, 1770)

NRS 534.030 – Administration by State Engineer: Petition by appropriators in basin; hearing in absence of petition; certain artesian water, underground aquifers and percolating water; advisory services of governing bodies of water districts and water conservation boards.

1. Upon receipt by the State Engineer of a petition requesting the State Engineer to administer the provisions of this chapter as relating to designated areas, signed by not less than 40 percent of the appropriators of record in the Office of the State Engineer, in any particular basin or portion therein, the State Engineer […]