1. The owner or owners of any ditch or canal shall maintain to the satisfaction of the State Engineer a substantial headgate at or near the point where the water is diverted, which shall be of such construction that it can be locked and kept closed by the water commissioner. 2. Such owners shall construct […]
1. If any owner or owners of irrigation works shall refuse or neglect to construct and put in such headgates, flumes or measuring devices as provided for in NRS 536.010 after 10 days’ notice, the State Engineer may close such ditch, and the same shall not be opened or any water diverted from the source […]
If any person neglects or refuses to install the headgate, measuring device or flume, as required by NRS 536.010, the State Engineer may, in the discretion of the State Engineer, install the headgate, measuring device or flume, as the case may be, and in the first instance charge the actual cost thereof to the water […]