As used in NRS 568.010 to 568.210, inclusive, “Taylor Grazing Act” means the Act of Congress entitled “An act to stop injury to the public grazing lands by preventing overgrazing and soil deterioration, to provide for their orderly use, improvement and development, to stabilize the livestock industry dependent upon the public range, and for other […]
1. The Taylor Grazing Act provides for the cooperation of the Secretary of the Interior of the United States with state and other officials and associations, and for the payment to the State by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States of certain moneys representing a percentage of: (a) Grazing fees collected from […]
All moneys derived from grazing fees and grazing leases received by the State under the provisions of the Taylor Grazing Act shall be deposited in the State Treasury in a special fund designated the Nevada Taylor Grazing Act Range Improvement Fund, to be allocated as follows: 1. That part of the Fund derived from grazing […]
To direct and guide the disposition of the range improvement fund of each grazing district concerned, in the manner most beneficial to the stock raising payers of the grazing fees from which the funds are derived and to the counties concerned, there is hereby created a state grazing board for each Bureau of Land Management […]
Each state board shall be known as the Nevada Grazing Board of District No. …… [Part 3:67:1939; 1931 NCL § 5581.16]
1. Each state grazing board must consist of not less than five nor more than 12 persons who graze livestock upon the public lands within the grazing district for which such state grazing board is created. Officers and directors of corporations and partners of partnerships which conduct such grazing are qualified to be elected to […]
Each state grazing board may select its own chair, attorney and secretary and may determine the secretary’s and attorney’s remuneration, and such remuneration shall be considered as administrative expenses of each board concerned, to be paid as provided for in NRS 568.010 to 568.210, inclusive. [Part 3:67:1939; 1931 NCL § 5581.16]—(NRS A 1975, 546)
The members of the state grazing boards shall serve without salary while performing their duties as prescribed in NRS 568.010 to 568.210, inclusive. [Part 3:67:1939; 1931 NCL § 5581.16]—(NRS A 1975, 546; 1985, 439)
1. Meetings of a state grazing board may be called at any time by the chair or a majority of the members of the board. 2. Each board may adopt its own rules and regulations for the calling and holding of meetings. A majority of each board constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business […]
All moneys in the range improvement fund of a grazing district shall be paid out on claims signed by the chair and secretary of the state grazing board of the district. Claims shall be approved by the board and preaudited by the county auditor of the county concerned before they are paid. [Part 3:67:1939; 1931 […]
Each state grazing board may pay moneys out of the range improvement fund of its grazing district: 1. For the construction and maintenance of range improvements or any other purpose beneficial to the stock raising and ranching industries and, in turn, the counties situated within the grazing district concerned. None of the funds shall be […]
1. During periods of range depletion due to severe drought and similar causes, or in case of a general epidemic of disease affecting stock raising and ranching enterprises of the district concerned, or whenever conditions are such that payment of grazing fees under the provisions of the Taylor Grazing Act impose a burden on the […]
1. Any project involving construction and maintenance of range improvements as provided for in NRS 568.010 to 568.210, inclusive, on public lands within any grazing district established under the provisions of the Taylor Grazing Act, shall be undertaken only under cooperative agreements entered into on the part either of the state grazing boards or the […]
1. The boards of county commissioners and the state grazing boards may enter into cooperative agreements under the provisions of NRS 568.010 to 568.210, inclusive, and may contribute from their respective funds to the projects under the terms of the cooperative agreements. 2. Such cooperative agreements shall: (a) Prescribe the manner, terms and conditions of […]
1. Any moneys coming into or remaining in the possession of any federal, state or local governmental agency as a result of cooperation between any such agency and any of the state grazing boards, as provided in NRS 568.140 and 568.150, may be restored to or placed in the range improvement fund of the grazing […]
1. To provide a means whereby they may act together in matters of common interest and of general rather than local concern in carrying out the provisions of NRS 568.010 to 568.210, inclusive, state grazing boards shall establish a committee which shall be known as the Central Committee of Nevada State Grazing Boards. 2. The […]
1. Members of the Central Committee shall serve without remuneration for their time and services. 2. Each state grazing board which has a representative on the Central Committee shall reimburse its representative for his or her expenses in the same manner in which it reimburses the travel and subsistence expenses of its own members. [Part […]
Within the limitations contained in NRS 568.200, the Central Committee may: 1. Select its own officers, secretary, attorney and such subcommittees as it may deem necessary. 2. Adopt its own rules for the calling and holding of meetings and the carrying out of such instructions as may be received from time to time from a […]
1. State grazing boards are authorized and empowered to make such use of the Central Committee as may be proper within the provisions of NRS 568.010 to 568.210, inclusive. 2. The Central Committee shall not engage in any activity or project except when and as authorized and directed so to do in writing by a […]
If any part of any state grazing district, as once established and existing under the provisions of the Taylor Grazing Act by order of the federal officials concerned, or otherwise, shall be detached therefrom and attached to and made a part of any federal grazing district of any adjoining state, the provisions of NRS 568.010 […]