As used in NRS 574.050 to 574.200, inclusive: 1. “Animal” does not include the human race, but includes every other living creature. 2. “First responder” means a person who has successfully completed the national standard course for first responders. 3. “Police animal” means an animal which is owned or used by a state or local […]
1. Any person who knows or has reasonable cause to believe that an animal has been subjected to an act of cruelty in violation of NRS 574.100 may report the act of cruelty to any: (a) Peace officer; (b) Officer of a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals who is authorized to make […]
Except as otherwise provided in NRS 574.201 to 574.204, inclusive: 1. Any peace officer or animal control officer shall, upon discovering any animal which is being treated cruelly, take possession of it and provide it with shelter and care or, upon obtaining written permission from the owner of the animal, may destroy it in a […]
1. A person shall not knowingly keep or use, or in any manner be connected with, or be interested in the management of, or receive money for the admission of any person to, a house, apartment, pit or place kept or used for baiting or fighting any bird or animal, or be an owner or […]
1. Except as otherwise provided in this section, a person shall not begin, cause, instigate, promote, carry on or do any act as an assistant, umpire or principal, or in any way aid in or engage in the furtherance of any fight between animals in an exhibition or for amusement or gain which is premeditated […]
1. Any peace officer or animal control officer authorized by law to make arrests may lawfully take possession of any animals, or implements, or other property used or employed, or about to be used or employed, in the violation of any provision of law relating to fights among animals. 2. The officer shall state to […]
1. The officer, after taking possession of such animals, or implements or other property, pursuant to NRS 574.080, shall apply to the magistrate, before whom the complaint is made against the offender violating such provision of law, for the order mentioned in subsection 2, and shall make and file an affidavit with such magistrate, stating […]
1. A person shall not: (a) Torture or unjustifiably maim, mutilate or kill: (1) An animal kept for companionship or pleasure, whether belonging to the person or to another; or (2) Any cat or dog; (b) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (a), overdrive, overload, torture, cruelly beat or unjustifiably injure, maim, mutilate or kill […]
1. A person shall not willfully and maliciously: (a) Taunt, torment, tease, beat, strike or administer a desensitizing drug, chemical or substance to a police animal; (b) Interfere with a police animal or a handler thereof in the performance of duties assigned to the police animal or handler; or (c) Torture, mutilate, injure, poison, disable […]
1. A person shall not: (a) Willfully, unjustifiably and maliciously tamper or interfere with; (b) Willfully and unjustifiably abuse or injure, or willfully and unjustifiably set on foot, instigate, engage in or in any way further an act of abusing or injuring; or (c) Willfully and unjustifiably kill or willfully and unjustifiably set on foot, […]
1. A person being the owner or possessor, or having charge or custody, of a maimed, diseased, disabled or infirm animal, who abandons such animal or leaves it to die in a public street, road or public place, or who allows it to lie in a public street, road or public place more than 3 […]
1. A person who has impounded or confined any animal shall not refuse or neglect to supply to the animal during its confinement a sufficient supply of good and wholesome air, food, shelter and water. 2. A person who violates subsection 1: (a) For the first offense within the immediately preceding 7 years, is guilty […]
A person who willfully sells or offers to sell, uses, exposes, or causes or permits to be sold, offered for sale, used or exposed, any horse or other animal having the disease known as glanders or farcy, or other contagious or infectious disease dangerous to the life or health of human beings or animals, or […]
It shall be unlawful for any person to sell any horse which, by reason of disease, could not be worked in this state without violating the law against cruelty to animals. [10:178:1919; 1919 RL p. 3395; NCL § 10578]
1. A person who unjustifiably administers any poisonous or noxious drug or substance to a horse, mule or domestic cattle, or unjustifiably exposes any such drug or substance with the intent that it be taken by a horse, mule or domestic cattle, whether the horse, mule or domestic cattle are the property of the person […]
A person who willfully throws, drops or places, or causes to be thrown, dropped or placed, upon any road, highway, street or public place, any glass, nails, pieces of metal, or other substance which might wound, disable or injure any animal is guilty of a misdemeanor. [12:178:1919; 1919 RL p. 3396; NCL § 10580]
A person who keeps a cow or any animal for the production of milk in a crowded or unhealthy place, or in a diseased condition, or feeds such cow or animal upon any food that produces impure or unwholesome milk, is guilty of a misdemeanor. [13:178:1919; 1919 RL p. 3396; NCL § 10581]
A person driving any vehicle upon any plank road, turnpike or public highway, who unjustifiably runs the horses drawing the same, or causes or permits them to run, is guilty of a misdemeanor. [15:178:1919; 1919 RL p. 3396; NCL § 10583]
A person who carries or causes to be carried in or upon any vessel or vehicle or otherwise any animal in a cruel or inhuman manner, or so as to produce torture, is guilty of a misdemeanor. [Part 6:75:1873; B § 2487; BH § 4781; C § 4873; RL § 1378; NCL § 3236] + […]
1. The provisions of NRS 574.050 to 574.510, inclusive, do not: (a) Interfere with any of the fish and game laws contained in title 45 of NRS or any laws for the destruction of certain birds. (b) Interfere with the right to destroy any venomous reptiles or animals, or any animal known as dangerous to […]