US Lawyer Database

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NRS 574.360 – Buildings and grounds; housing facilities.

An operator shall ensure that: 1. The buildings and grounds at all locations where dogs or cats are kept: (a) Are clean and in good repair; and (b) Do not become accumulated with trash. 2. Housing facilities: (a) Are constructed and maintained in such a manner as to: (1) Protect the dogs or cats inside […]

NRS 574.370 – Enclosures generally.

An operator shall: 1. Provide all dogs and cats with primary enclosures located indoors, except dogs and cats that are acclimated to the outdoor environment. 2. Ensure that the interior of a housing facility for indoor primary enclosures is constructed and maintained in such a manner as to be substantially impervious to moisture and to […]

NRS 574.380 – Dogs and cats kept outdoors.

If dogs or cats are kept outdoors, an operator shall: 1. Provide a suitable method for the rapid drainage of surface water from the area where each dog or cat is kept. 2. Provide each dog or cat with a sufficient amount of shelter to: (a) Remain dry from rain and snow; (b) Have enough […]

NRS 574.390 – Primary enclosures generally.

1. An operator shall ensure that a primary enclosure: (a) Has a solid floor; (b) Is not stacked on top of another primary enclosure; and (c) Is constructed and maintained in such a manner as to: (1) Protect the dogs or cats inside from injury; (2) Prevent the dogs or cats inside from escaping; (3) […]

NRS 574.400 – Floor space of primary enclosure.

An operator shall ensure that a primary enclosure in which a dog or cat that is at least 6 months old is kept has a minimum amount of floor space which is calculated by finding the mathematical square of the sum of 6 inches plus the length of the dog or cat measured from the […]

NRS 574.410 – Dogs or cats kept in primary enclosures together.

If dogs or cats are kept in primary enclosures, an operator shall ensure that: 1. Dogs placed together with other dogs and cats placed together with other cats are compatible. 2. A dog or cat that displays a vicious disposition is not placed together with any other dog or cat. 3. A female dog or […]

NRS 574.420 – Food and water.

An operator shall ensure that: 1. Potable water is offered to each dog or cat at least twice daily for not less than 1 hour on each occasion, unless potable water is accessible to the dog or cat at all times or except as otherwise required to provide adequate care. 2. Each dog or cat […]

NRS 574.430 – Sanitization.

An operator shall ensure that: 1. Insects, ectoparasites and avian, mammalian and reptilian pests are kept under control. 2. Supplies of food and bedding material are stored in facilities that afford adequate protection from infestation or contamination by vermin. 3. For primary enclosures used to restrict the immediate movement of a dog or cat: (a) […]

NRS 574.440 – Program to control disease and care for health.

An operator shall, with the approval of a veterinarian, establish and maintain a program to control disease and care for the health of dogs and cats. As part of this program, an operator shall ensure that: 1. Each dog and cat is observed daily by the person directly responsible for its care, or by someone […]