Any three or more citizens of the State of Nevada who incorporate as a body corporate under the general laws for corporations in this state set forth in chapter 78 of NRS for the purpose of preventing cruelty to animals may, except as otherwise provided in NRS 574.040, avail themselves of the privileges and benefits […]
1. Such societies may make and adopt bylaws: (a) Governing the admission of associates and members. (b) Providing for meetings and assistant and district or local officers. (c) Providing for means and systems for the effectual attainments of the objects contemplated by this chapter, for the regulation and management of its business affairs, and for […]
Such societies shall: 1. Elect officers and fill vacancies according to the provisions of their bylaws. 2. Make such reports of elections as are required of all corporations by law. [3:75:1873; B § 2484; BH § 4778; C § 4870; RL § 1375; NCL § 3233]—(NRS A 2019, 1013)
1. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection and NRS 574.350, a member, agent or local or district officer of a society so incorporating, if authorized in writing by the trustees of the society, approved by the district judge of the county, and sworn in the same manner as peace officers are sworn, may make […]