1. “Registrant” means any person who files and publishes a name, mark or device under NRS 600.130 to 600.230, inclusive. 2. “Supplies” means towels, sheets, napkins, pillowcases, linens or other kindred articles bearing a name, mark or device filed and published under NRS 600.130 to 600.230, inclusive. (Added to NRS by 1957, 14)
A person engaged in the business of supplying clean laundered garments, towels, table linen or other articles which are the property of the supplier, in a regular service, periodically exchanging clean articles for soiled for a fixed compensation, may adopt and use a name or other mark or device woven, impressed or produced thereon as […]
In addition to the filing required by NRS 600.140, in order to register a name, mark or device under NRS 600.130 to 600.230, inclusive, the supplier shall: 1. File in the office of the county clerk of the county in which the principal place of business of the supplier is located, or if the place […]
The registrant shall pay to the county clerk a fee of $1 for each laundry supply designation described and filed. (Added to NRS by 1957, 14; A 1997, 159)
It is unlawful for any persons, except the registrant, a person who has the written consent of the registrant, or a person who has purchased the supplies from the registrant, to do any of the following prohibited acts: 1. Selling, buying, renting, giving, taking or otherwise trafficking in any supplies bearing a name, mark or […]
The acceptance by the registrant of any sum of money as a deposit to secure the safekeeping and return of the supplies does not constitute a sale of the supplies, either optional or otherwise, in any proceeding under NRS 600.130 to 600.230, inclusive. (Added to NRS by 1957, 15)
The use by any person other than the registrant of any supplies without the written consent provided in NRS 600.130 to 600.230, inclusive, or the possession of supplies so marked by any junk dealer or dealer of secondhand articles is presumptive evidence of unlawful use of or traffic in such supplies. (Added to NRS by […]
Every person who finds or receives in the regular course of business or in any other manner any supplies shall make diligent effort to find the owner and restore or return the supplies. (Added to NRS by 1957, 15)
Whenever the registrant or any member of any corporation or association which is the registrant takes an oath before any magistrate that he or she has reason to believe and does believe that any supplies are being unlawfully used, sold or secreted in any place, the magistrate shall issue a search warrant to discover and […]
If the magistrate finds that any person brought before the magistrate has been guilty of a violation of any provision of NRS 600.130 to 600.210, inclusive, the magistrate shall impose the punishment prescribed in NRS 600.230 and also award the possession of the property taken upon the search warrant to the owner. (Added to NRS […]
Any person who violates any provision of NRS 600.140 to 600.220, inclusive, is guilty of a misdemeanor. (Added to NRS by 1957, 15)