The Commissioner and the Division of Financial Institutions shall administer the provisions of chapters 657 to 671, inclusive, of NRS, subject to administrative supervision by the Director of the Department of Business and Industry. (Added to NRS by 1971, 966; A 1983, 1721; 1987, 1898; 1993, 1894)
The Commissioner: 1. Must be a person who has had practical experience in banking, savings and loan associations, savings banks or other financial institutions. 2. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 284.143, shall devote his or her entire time and attention to the business of his or her office and shall not pursue any other […]
The Commissioner must not, either directly or indirectly, be interested in any bank or corporation to which chapters 657 to 671, inclusive, of NRS are applicable, except as a depositor, nor engage in business as a personal loan broker. (Added to NRS by 1971, 966; A 1983, 1721; 1987, 1898)
After appointment and before entering upon the discharge of the duties of office, the Commissioner shall take and subscribe to an official oath. (Added to NRS by 1971, 966; A 1975, 351; 1983, 1722; 1987, 1898)
The Division of Financial Institutions must be furnished with suitable offices for the performance of its duties. (Added to NRS by 1971, 966; A 1983, 1722)
1. The Commissioner may appoint deputy commissioners of financial institutions, examiners, assistants, clerks, stenographers and other employees necessary to assist the Commissioner in the performance of the Commissioner’s duties pursuant to this title or any other law. These employees shall perform such duties as are assigned to them by the Commissioner. 2. The Commissioner shall […]
Every deputy commissioner of financial institutions shall, before entering upon the discharge of duties, take and subscribe to the constitutional oath of office. (Added to NRS by 1971, 966; A 1983, 1722; 1987, 1898)
The State Board of Finance shall act in an advisory capacity to the Division of Financial Institutions in the administration of the provisions of chapters 657 to 671, inclusive, of NRS and perform such other functions as are required by those provisions. (Added to NRS by 1971, 966; A 1983, 1722)
1. Except as otherwise provided by law, any money appropriated to the Commissioner or the Division of Financial Institutions and any money collected by the Commissioner or Division pursuant to law: (a) Must be deposited in the State Treasury and accounted for separately in the State General Fund; and (b) May only be used to: […]
1. The Commissioner shall charge and collect the following fees in connection with the Commissioner’s official duties: (a) For licensing of state banks: (1) A fee of not more than $400 for each parent bank, payable on June 30 of each year. (2) A fee of not more than $200 for each branch bank or […]
1. On a quarterly or other regular basis, the Commissioner shall collect an assessment pursuant to this section from each: (a) Check-cashing service or deferred deposit loan service that is supervised pursuant to chapter 604A of NRS; (b) Collection agency that is supervised pursuant to chapter 649 of NRS; (c) Bank that is supervised pursuant […]
1. The Commissioner shall establish by regulation rates to be paid by banks and other financial institutions for supervision and examinations by the Commissioner or the Division of Financial Institutions. 2. In establishing a rate pursuant to subsection 1, the Commissioner shall consider: (a) The complexity of the various examinations to which the rate applies; […]
In addition to the other powers conferred upon the Commissioner by chapters 657 to 671, inclusive, of NRS, the Commissioner: 1. Is charged with the enforcement of the provisions of chapters 657 to 671, inclusive, of NRS, subject to administrative supervision by the Director of the Department of Business and Industry; 2. May make and […]
1. The Commissioner shall make summary orders in writing as provided in subsections 2 to 5, inclusive. 2. If a bank, a member of its board of directors or any manager, officer, employee, member or stockholder violates the articles of incorporation or organization of the bank or any law related to banking, or, in the […]
Any bank aggrieved by any decision or order issued by the Commissioner or any member of the Commissioner’s staff must appeal to the State Board of Finance if a review of the decision or order is desired. The appeal must be made within 15 days after the decision or order is issued. (Added to NRS […]
All licenses, orders and certificates issued by the Commissioner must be attested by the seal of the Division of Financial Institutions and by the signature of the Commissioner. (Added to NRS by 1971, 968; A 1983, 1724; 1987, 1900)
1. The Commissioner may offer, under such conditions as the Commissioner may deem proper, rewards not to exceed the sum of $500 in any one case for the arrest and conviction of any officer, director, agent or employee of any bank charged with violating any of the laws of this State relating to banks and […]
1. The Commissioner may forthwith take possession of the business and property of any depository institution to which this title applies when it appears that the depository institution: (a) Has violated its charter or any laws applicable thereto. (b) Is conducting its business in an unauthorized or unsafe manner. (c) Is in an unsafe or […]
Any member of the State Board of Finance, the Commissioner or any member of the Commissioner’s staff, who willfully neglects to perform any duty required by chapters 657 to 671, inclusive, of NRS, or who knowingly makes any false statement concerning any bank, or any injurious statement concerning any bank, except in the exercise of […]
1. Except as otherwise provided in subsections 3 and 4, an officer or employee of the Division of Financial Institutions shall not be directly or indirectly interested in or act on behalf of any bank chartered by this State, receive, directly or indirectly, any payment from any such bank, be indebted to any state bank, […]