1. The following types of information shall qualify as confidential information: (a) A memorandum in support of an opinion submitted pursuant to NRS 681B.200 to 681B.260, inclusive, or 681B.350 and any other documents, materials and other information, including, without limitation, all working papers, and copies thereof, created, produced or obtained by or disclosed to the […]
1. Except as otherwise provided in this section and NRS 239.0115, 681B.400 and 681B.420, an applicable company’s confidential information is confidential by law and privileged, and is not: (a) Subject to subpoena or other forms of civil discovery; or (b) Admissible in evidence in any private civil action. 2. Neither the Commissioner nor any person […]
1. Notwithstanding any provisions of NRS 681B.410 to the contrary, any confidential information specified in subsections 1 and 5 of NRS 681B.410: (a) May be subject to subpoena for the purpose of defending an action seeking damages from the appointed actuary submitting the related memorandum in support of an opinion submitted in accordance with the […]