1. An adjuster whose license expires is exempt from retaking the examination required by NRS 684A.100 if: (a) The adjuster: (1) Is not a resident of this State; (2) Has passed an examination to become licensed as an adjuster in the person’s home state; and (3) Is currently licensed and in good standing in the […]
1. If the Commissioner finds that the application is complete, that the applicant has passed all required examinations and is otherwise eligible and qualified for the license as an adjuster, the Commissioner shall promptly issue the license. If the Commissioner refuses to issue the license, the Commissioner shall promptly notify the applicant in writing of […]
1. The Commissioner shall issue a nonresident license as an adjuster to a nonresident person if: (a) The person is currently licensed in good standing as an adjuster in the resident or home state of the person; (b) The person has submitted the proper request for licensure and has paid the fees required pursuant to […]
1. The Commissioner shall prescribe the form of the adjuster license, which shall state: (a) The licensee’s name, business address and a personal identification number; (b) The classification of the license, whether as an independent adjuster, a public adjuster, a company adjuster or a staff adjuster; (c) Date of issuance and general conditions as to […]
1. Each license issued or renewed under this chapter continues in force for 3 years unless it is suspended, revoked or otherwise terminated. A license may be renewed upon payment of all applicable fees for renewal to the Commissioner, completion of any other requirement for renewal of the license specified in this chapter and submission […]
1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, an individual who holds a license as an adjuster must satisfactorily complete a minimum of 24 hours of courses of continuing education, of which 3 hours must be in ethics, which are reported to the Commissioner as a condition for the renewal of his or her license. […]
Repealed. (See chapter 503, Statutes of Nevada 2019, at page 3040.)
1. A natural person who applies for the issuance or renewal of a license as an adjuster shall submit to the Commissioner the statement prescribed by the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services of the Department of Health and Human Services pursuant to NRS 425.520. The statement must be completed and signed by the applicant. […]
1. If the Commissioner receives a copy of a court order issued pursuant to NRS 425.540 that provides for the suspension of all professional, occupational and recreational licenses, certificates and permits issued to a person who is the holder of a license as an adjuster, the Commissioner shall deem the license issued to that person […]
1. In the event of death or inability to act as a licensed independent adjuster, the Commissioner may issue a temporary license as an independent adjuster to another individual qualified therefor except as to the taking and passing of the required examination, to enable such individual to continue the business of the deceased licensee or […]
1. An adjuster shall be honest and fair in all communications with the insured, the insurer and the public. 2. An adjuster shall give policyholders and claimants prompt, knowledgeable service and courteous, fair and objective treatment at all times. 3. An adjuster shall not give legal advice and shall not deal directly with any policyholder […]
1. Every adjuster who is a resident of this State shall have and maintain in this state a place of business accessible to the public and from which the licensee principally conducts transactions under his or her license. The address of such place shall appear upon the application for a license and upon the license, […]
1. Each adjuster shall keep at his or her business address shown on the adjuster’s license a record of all transactions under the license. 2. The record shall include: (a) A copy of each contract between an independent adjuster and an insurer or self-insurer. (b) A copy of all investigations or adjustments undertaken. (c) A […]
All business transacted by an adjuster under the adjuster’s license shall be in his or her name, and the adjuster shall be responsible for the acts or omissions of his or her employees within the scope of their employment. (Added to NRS by 1971, 1667)
Nonresidents of this state who are granted licenses as adjusters pursuant to NRS 684A.070 are also subject to NRS 683A.281. (Added to NRS by 1971, 1667; A 2001, 2212; 2011, 3366)
1. The Commissioner may suspend, revoke, limit or refuse to continue any adjuster’s license: (a) For any cause specified in any other provision of this chapter; (b) For any applicable cause for revocation of the license of a producer of insurance under NRS 683A.451; or (c) If the licensee has for compensation represented or attempted […]
NRS 683A.451 and 683A.461 also apply to suspension, revocation, limitation or refusal to continue adjusters’ licenses, except where in conflict with the express provisions of this chapter. (Added to NRS by 1971, 1667; A 2001, 2212; 2019, 1700, 3038)
Every order suspending any license shall specify the period during which the suspension shall be effective, which period shall in no event exceed 12 months. (Added to NRS by 1971, 1668)
The Commissioner may promulgate reasonable regulations as are necessary or proper to carry out the purposes of this chapter. (Added to NRS by 2017, 167)
1. In addition to or in lieu of the suspension, revocation or refusal to renew any adjuster’s license for any of the causes referred to in NRS 684A.210, after hearing thereon or upon waiver of hearing by the licensee, the Commissioner may levy upon the licensee an administrative fine in any amount not less than […]