NRS 708.010 – “Commission” defined.
As used in this chapter, “Commission” means the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada. [Part 2:227:1921; NCL § 4946]—(NRS A 1997, 1958)
As used in this chapter, “Commission” means the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada. [Part 2:227:1921; NCL § 4946]—(NRS A 1997, 1958)
Every person, firm, corporation, partnership, joint-stock association or association of any kind whatever: 1. Owning, operating or managing any pipeline or any part of any pipeline within the State of Nevada for the transportation of crude oil or petroleum to or for the public for hire, or engaged in the business of transporting crude oil […]
It is unlawful for any oil pipeline carrier to operate as a carrier in intrastate commerce within this state without first having obtained a certificate of public convenience and necessity from the Commission. (Added to NRS by 1969, 877)
1. Upon the filing of an application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity, the Commission shall fix a time and place for hearing thereon, and shall proceed in the manner according to the provisions of the laws of this state made applicable thereto. 2. Before granting a certificate of public convenience and necessity […]
1. The right to lay, maintain and operate pipelines, together with telephone and telegraph lines incidental to and designated for use only in connection with the operations of those pipelines, along, across or under any public stream or highway in this state, is hereby conferred upon all persons coming within any of the definitions of […]
1. The Commission shall have the power: (a) To establish and enforce rates of charges and regulations for gathering, transporting, loading and delivering crude oil or petroleum by such common carriers in this state, and for the use of storage facilities necessarily incident to such transportation; and (b) To prescribe and enforce rules and regulations […]
1. Every common carrier as defined in NRS 708.020 shall exchange crude petroleum tonnage with each like common carrier, and the Commission shall have the power to require such connections and facilities for the interchange of such tonnage to be made at every locality reached by both pipelines whenever a necessity therefor exists, subject to […]
1. Such common carriers of crude oil or petroleum shall make and publish their tariffs under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Commission. 2. The Commission shall require such common carriers to make reports, and may investigate their books and records kept in connection with such business, but no publicity shall […]
1. No such common carrier in its operations as such shall discriminate against or between shippers in regard to facilities furnished or service rendered or rates charged under the same or similar circumstances in the transportation of crude oil or petroleum; nor shall there be any discrimination in the transportation of crude oil or petroleum […]
1. Every person, firm, corporation, joint-stock association or other association which is engaged in the business of purchasing crude oil or petroleum produced in the State of Nevada, using in connection with such purchase a pipeline or pipelines within this state, shall be deemed a common purchaser thereof, and shall purchase all of the oil […]
Subject to the provisions of this chapter and the rules and regulations which may be prescribed by the Commission, every such common carrier shall receive and transport crude oil or petroleum offered to it for transportation and shall receive and transport the same and perform its other duties with respect thereto without discrimination. [11:227:1921; NCL […]
The Commission, when necessary, shall make and enforce rules and regulations either general in their nature or applicable to particular oil fields for the prevention of: 1. Actual waste of oil; or 2. Operations in the field dangerous to life or property. [9:227:1921; NCL § 4953]
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to: 1. Those pipelines which are limited in their use to the wells, stations, plants and refineries of their owner and which are not a part of the pipeline transportation system of any common carrier as defined in NRS 708.020. 2. Any property of such a common […]
1. Any common carrier as defined in NRS 708.020 which violates any provision of this chapter or fails to perform any duty imposed by this chapter or any valid order of the Commission, when not stayed or suspended by an order of a court, is subject to a penalty of not more than $1,000 for […]