1. A petition to the district court for the imposition of a lien as described and limited in NRS 422.29306 to recover money owed to the Department of Health and Human Services as a result of payment of benefits for Medicaid must set forth: (a) The facts concerning the giving of assistance; (b) The name […]
1. A petition for the imposition of a lien must be signed by or on behalf of the Director of the Department of Health and Human Services or the Attorney General and filed with the clerk of the court, who shall set the petition for hearing. 2. Notice of a petition for the imposition of […]
The Director of the Department of Health and Human Services may, to the extent not prohibited by 42 U.S.C. § 1396p(b), foreclose upon a lien for money owed to the Department of Health and Human Services as a result of the payment of benefits for Medicaid by action in the district court in the same […]