33:3-e Superfund Site Cleanup Bonds Authorized. – A municipality may authorize the issuance of bonds, payable within 20 years from their dates of issuance, in order to pay all response costs associated with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as amended, 42 U.S.C. section 9601 et seq. ("CERCLA"), national priorities […]
33:3-f State Guarantee. – I. The governor and council may award an unconditional state guarantee of the principal of and interest on bonds issued under RSA 33:3-e. The full faith and credit of the state shall be pledged for any such guarantees of principal and interest. The principal amount of the bonds guaranteed under […]
33:3-g Broadband Infrastructure Bonds. – I. A municipality or communications district formed under RSA 53-G may issue bonds for the purpose of financing the development, construction, reconstruction, renovation, improvement, and acquisition of broadband infrastructure in any locations within a municipality unserved by broadband as defined in RSA 38:38, I(c). Without limiting the foregoing, broadband […]
33:4 Debt Limit, Counties. – Counties shall not incur net indebtedness to an amount, at any one time outstanding, exceeding 2 percent of the last assessed valuation thereof. Source. 1917, 129:7. PL 59:7. 1933, 98:1. RL 72:7. 1951, 183:1. 1953, 258:1, par. 4. RSA 33:4. 1955, 329:1, eff. Aug. 5, 1955.
33:4-a Debt Limit, Municipalities. – I. Cities shall not incur net indebtedness, except for school purposes, to an amount, at any one time outstanding, exceeding 3 percent of their valuation determined as hereinafter provided. II. Cities shall not incur net indebtedness for school purposes to an amount at any one time outstanding, determined as […]
33:4-b Debt Limit; Computation. – The debt limitations hereinbefore prescribed, except for counties, shall be based upon the applicable last locally assessed valuation of the municipality as last equalized by the commissioner of revenue administration under RSA 21-J:3, XIII and shall include the equalized value of property formerly taxed pursuant to the provisions of […]
33:4-c to 33:4-g Repealed by 1959, 209:5, eff. Sept. 27, 1959. –
33:5 Sewerage Systems and Sewage Treatment Works. – Municipalities which have received orders from the department of environmental services to install sewage treatment works under the provisions of RSA 485-A, or to install a sewerage system or sewage treatment works under the provisions of RSA 485:27, or under RSA 147, or acts amending such […]
33:5-a Water Works. – Municipalities may incur debt for supplying the inhabitants with water or for the construction, enlargement, or improvement of water works, by the issue of bonds or notes, for such purposes, as set forth in this chapter; provided, however, that such municipalities shall not incur debt for such purposes to an […]
33:5-b Voluntary Projects. – Any city, town, village district, or other political subdivision may vote to incur debt for the purpose of installing a sewage disposal plant including treatment works or sewerage facilities or thereof, although at the time of such vote it has not received an order from the department of environmental services […]
33:5-c Approval. – Any such municipality which has voted to incur debt under the provisions of RSA 33:5-b shall submit a certified copy of the record of such action together with detailed plans of the proposed construction to the department of environmental services for review and approval, as hereinafter provided. After a review of […]
33:5-d State Revolving Loan Funds. – The terms of repayment by a municipality of any loan from the loan fund established under RSA 486:14, or from any other state revolving loan fund established for water pollution control, solid waste disposal or treatment or other environmental improvement purposes, shall be governed by the statute and […]
33:6 Emergency Borrowing. – Upon recommendation of the commissioner of revenue administration, approved by the governor and council, municipalities and counties may, within such limits as to amount, term and rate of interest as may be prescribed by the commissioner of revenue administration, incur debt outside the debt limit prescribed by RSA 33:4 for […]
33:6-a Exclusion from Debt Limit. – Any municipality which has authorized the purchase and installation of parking meters under the provisions of RSA 249, and acts in amendment thereof which has incurred indebtedness or may incur indebtedness for the purchase and installation of such meters and the acquisition, construction and improvement of public parking […]
33:6-b Exclusion from Debt Limit. – Municipalities, other than school districts and counties, may incur debt for energy production projects including the reconstruction or enlargement of a municipally owned utility; the manufacture or furnishing of light, heat, power or water for the public; the generation, transmission or sale of energy ultimately sold to the […]
33:6-c Exclusion from Debt Limit. – Any municipality which has voted to acquire land from a United States military base may incur debt by the issuance of bonds or notes beyond the limit of indebtedness as set forth in RSA 33:4-a, provided that the purpose of the acquisition is to further the economic development […]
33:6-d Exclusion from Debt Limit; Waste Site Cleanups. – Municipalities may incur debt for cleanup projects pursuant to RSA 147-B, excluding Superfund sites, and for the closing or cleanup of landfills and other solid waste facilities as defined in RSA 149-M by the issue of bonds or notes authorized under this chapter and RSA […]
33:6-e Exclusion from Debt Limit; Solid Waste Management Districts. – The debt limit restrictions of this chapter shall not apply to a solid waste management district formed under RSA 53-B or to the debts or obligations incurred by such a district. Debts or obligations of a member municipality to such a district shall at […]
33:6-f Exclusion from Debt Limit; Broadband Infrastructure. – Municipalities may incur debt for broadband infrastructure as defined in RSA 38:38, I(e) by the issue of bonds or notes authorized under this chapter. Any debt incurred for this purpose shall be outside the debt limit prescribed in this chapter. Such debt shall at no time […]
33:7 Tax Anticipation Notes. – I. Cities and Towns. Cities and towns may incur debt in anticipation of the taxes of the financial year in which the debt is incurred, in order to pay current maintenance and operation expenses, and may issue notes therefor to an aggregate principal amount not exceeding the total tax […]