528:1 Money. – Money may be taken on execution, and paid to the creditor; bank notes and other evidences of debt, issued by any moneyed corporation and circulated as money, may be taken on execution, and paid to the creditor at their par value, if he will accept of them; otherwise they may be […]
528:10 Levy on Debtor’s Rights. – The debtor’s right to redeem such property may be taken on execution, and sold as in other cases, without such payment or tender. Source. RS 194:6. CS 207:6. GS 217:5. GL 236:5. PS 232:5. PL 344:10. RL 400:10.
528:11 Procedure. – Pews or seats in meeting-houses may be taken, advertised and sold on execution in the same manner as other personal property, except that if there has been no previous attachment the debtor shall be notified by the officer of the time and place of sale of the pew or seat, by […]
528:12 Sale. – The franchise of a corporation authorized to take tolls may be taken and sold on execution at auction, the officer giving notice of the time and place of sale by posting a notice thereof at any tollhouse at which such tolls are or have been usually taken, and by causing a […]
528:13 Method of Sale. – The person who will pay the execution and the lawful fees and expenses thereon for the right to receive all such tolls for the shortest period shall be the highest bidder, and shall, upon such sale, be entitled to the possession of the tollhouses and gates of the corporation, […]
528:14 Effect of Sale. – The rights and obligations of the corporation, except as to such tolls, shall not be affected by the sale, and they may redeem the franchise by paying to the purchaser the amount paid by him therefor, with twelve per cent interest thereon, at any time within three months after […]
528:15 Manner. – The shares or interest of a person in any corporation may be taken on execution, in the same manner that they may be attached. Source. RS 194:16. CS 207:16. GS 217:15. GL 224:13. PS 232:15. PL 344:15. RL 400:15.
528:16 Notice of Sale. – Notice in writing of the time and place of sale of such shares or interest shall be given by the officer to the debtor, or shall be left at his abode, and shall be posted at one or more public places in the town where the sale is to […]
528:17 Publication. – If the debtor does not reside in the county the posting of such notice as prescribed in the preceding section, and the publishing of such notice in some newspaper, if any, in the county, otherwise in an adjoining county, three weeks previous to the sale, shall be sufficient, without further notice […]
528:18 Recording Return. – The officer shall cause an attested copy of the execution and of his return thereon to be filed with the clerk, treasurer, assistant-treasurer or cashier of the corporation, and shall pay for the recording thereof. Source. RS 194:19. CS 207:19. GS 217:18. GL 236:18. PS 232:18. PL 344:18. RL 400:18.
528:19 Purchaser’s Rights. – The purchaser shall thereupon be entitled to such shares or interest, and the income or dividends which have become due thereon since the attachment, and to such certificates as are the usual evidence of the shares or interest of a proprietor in the corporation. Source. RS 194:19. CS 207:19. GS […]
528:2 Goods. – Goods and chattels taken on execution shall be safely kept by the officer, at the expense of the debtor, 4 days at least; shall be advertised for sale by posting notices of the time and place of sale at 2 of the most public places in the town where the sale […]
528:20 Information as to Shares; Liability. – The officer of every corporation having the care of the records or accounts of the shares or interests of the corporators therein shall, on request and on the exhibition of a writ of attachment or execution against any person interested in the corporation, give to the officer […]
528:21 Other Information. – If any officer of a corporation shall, on request of an officer and on exhibition of such writ of attachment or execution, refuse or neglect to exhibit to him such records and documents in his keeping as may be useful to direct and assist him in the discharge of his […]
528:3 Redemption. – The owner may redeem any goods and chattels before the sale, by satisfying the execution and the officers’ fees and charges. Source. RS 194:7. CS 207:7. GS 217:6. GL 236:6. PS 232:6. PL 344:3. RL 400:3.
528:4 Proceeds of Sale. – The money arising from the sale of unencumbered personal property under RSA 528:2 shall be applied by the officer to the payment of the charges and the satisfying of the executions levied thereon, in the order in which the attachments thereon, if any, were made, otherwise in the order […]
528:5 Returns. – The officer shall make return of the execution according to its precept, with his doings thereon, describing particularly the goods and chattels taken and sold, and stating the sum for which each article was sold. Source. RS 194:9. CS 207:9. GS 217:8. GL 236:8. PS 232:8. PL 344:5. RL 400:5.
528:6 Officer’s Fraud. – If any officer is guilty of fraud in the sale or return he shall be liable to pay, to each party injured, five times the sum defrauded. Source. RS 194:10. CS 207:10. GS 217:9. GL 236:9. PS 232:9. PL 344:6. RL 400:6.
528:7 Adjourning Sale. – The officer may adjourn any sale under this chapter from time to time, not exceeding ten days at one time or sixty days from the seizure, giving the same notice of each adjournment as of a sale. Source. RS 194:11. CS 207:11. GS 217:10. GL 236:10. PS 232:10. PL 344:7. […]
528:8 Levy by Seizure. – Personal property subject to mortgage, pledge, security interest or lien may be taken on execution in the same manner that it may be attached, and may be sold in the same manner as other personal property; and the creditor and officer shall have the same right to demand an […]