529:26 Redemption. – The sale and deed made in pursuance thereof shall be void if, within one year after the sale, the debtor shall pay or tender to the purchaser the purchase money, and all reasonable sums paid by him for taxes, insurance, repairs and the redemption of mortgages upon the estate, to protect […]
529:27 Other Sales. – Attachable real estate may be taken on execution and sold, as rights of redeeming mortgaged real estate are; and the debtor has the same right of redemption from such sale. Source. 1899, 73:1. PL 345:27. RL 401:27.
529:28 Effect. – Such seizure and sale shall transfer to the purchaser all the right, title and interest that the execution debtor had in such real estate as in other cases, subject to the debtor’s right of redemption. Source. 1899, 73:1. PL 345:28. RL 401:28.
529:29 Filing with Register. – No lien upon or right in real estate, upon which there is no existing lien by virtue of an attachment, made in the action in which the execution issued, shall be acquired as against subsequent purchasers or attaching creditors without notice, by the levy of an execution upon it, […]
529:3 Neglect to Appoint. – If the debtor, on due notice, neglects to appoint an appraiser, or does not reside in the county or within twenty miles of the property to be appraised, the officer shall appoint an appraiser for him. Source. RS 195:3. CS 208:3. GS 218:3. GL 237:3. PS 233:3. PL 345:3. […]
529:30 Register’s Duty. – I. The register of deeds shall certify upon each copy the time when it was received, and may keep it on file or record it as provided in paragraph II. The register of deeds shall also enter a record of it upon the index, as in the case of attachments […]
529:31 Fees. – In all counties, the officers so making a levy shall pay to the register of deeds the fees prescribed in RSA 478:17-g and shall be entitled to the same fees for travel and copy as in case of an attachment of real estate, all of which shall be returned upon the […]
529:32 Redemption, Suit for Profits. – The debtor may redeem without claiming a reduction on account of the rents and profits of the estate received by the creditor or purchaser; and in such case the debtor may recover such rents and profits of the creditor or purchaser, in an action of assumpsit for use […]
529:33 Redemption, Release. – The creditor or purchaser, upon payment or tender to him of the amount to be paid for redeeming the estate set off or sold to him, and a reasonable sum for making and executing the release, shall execute a release to the debtor of all right acquired by the setoff […]
529:34 Redemption, Petition for Account. – If the parties do not agree as to the amount to be paid to redeem real estate from a levy, like proceedings may be had for determining the amount as are provided for determining the amount due upon a mortgage on petition of the mortgagor. Source. 1857, 1964:2. […]
529:35 Rights of Purchaser, etc. – The person having the estate or right of the creditor, purchaser or debtor in real estate taken in execution shall be deemed to be, and shall have the rights, privileges and remedies of, the creditor, purchaser or debtor, as to all persons having notice of his right; and […]
529:4 Notice to Appoint. – Notice given to the clerk, treasurer, agent or one of the directors of a corporation to choose an appraiser for the corporation, ten days before the levy, shall be legal notice to the corporation. Source. RS 195:4. CS 208:4. GS 218:4. GL 237:4. PS 233:4. PL 345:4. RL 401:4.
529:5 New Appraiser. – If an appraiser shall die, or for any cause cannot act or declines to act, the sheriff shall cause an appraiser to be appointed to fill the vacancy, in the same manner as he was required to proceed in causing the original appointment, and the levy may be completed as […]
529:6 Completing Levy. – A levy begun by the appointment and swearing of one or more of the appraisers may be completed before the return day of the execution. Source. RS 195:5. CS 208:5. GS 218:5. GL 237:5. PS 233:5. PL 345:5. RL 401:5.
529:7 Setoff. – The appraisers shall set off to the creditor, by metes and bounds or other distinct description, the real estate appraised by them, or so much as may be necessary in payment of the execution and costs of levying. Source. RS 195:6. CS 208:6. GS 218:6. GL 237:6. PS 233:7. PL 345:7. […]
529:8 Part Interest. – If such real estate is holden jointly, or in common with others, the levy shall be made upon the undivided interest of the debtor or a part thereof. Source. RS 195:7. CS 208:7. GS 218:7. GL 237:7. PS 233:8. PL 345:8. RL 401:8.
529:9 Indivisible Property. – If such real estate cannot, in the judgment of the appraisers, be divided and set out by metes and bounds without greatly impairing the value of the whole the levy may be made upon an undivided interest therein, or by such mode of division as the nature of the property […]