654:1 Voter; Office Holder. – I. Every inhabitant of the state, having a single established domicile for voting purposes, being a citizen of the United States, of the age provided for in Article 11 of Part First of the Constitution of New Hampshire, shall have a right at any meeting or election, to vote […]
654:10 Repealed by 1992, 287:3, eff. July 17, 1992. –
654:11 Application to Supervisors. – When the supervisors of the checklist receive a registration form from the town or city clerk or when an applicant submits the form to said supervisors in person at a session for the correction of the checklist, the supervisors of the checklist shall cause his or her name to […]
654:12 Determining Qualifications of Applicant. – I. When determining the qualifications of an applicant, the supervisors of the checklist, or the town or city clerk, shall require the applicant to present proof of citizenship, age, and domicile, as provided in the following categories: (a) CITIZENSHIP. The supervisors of the checklist, or the town or […]
654:13 Action by Supervisors. – I. If the supervisors decide to add the name of the applicant to the checklist, then they shall retain the original of the registration form for their own file, which shall be retained in accordance with RSA 33-A:3-a. If the applicant entered a place last registered to vote on […]
654:13-a Retention of Voter Registration Forms. – All voter registration forms and other records relating to voter registration shall be retained securely in a municipal office under the direction of the town or city clerk. Those forms and records shall be readily accessible to the supervisors of the checklist. Any voter registration document submitted […]
654:14 Complaint to Superior Court. – Any applicant may file, as provided in RSA 654:42, a complaint with the superior court stating that his name has been illegally kept from the checklist and asking to have his name added thereto for the reasons stated in the complaint. Source. 1979, 436:1, eff. July 1, 1979.
654:15 Party Registration. – Whenever names are added to the checklist the supervisors shall register the party membership of the voter if he desires such membership registered. The party membership of each voter may be registered by writing in ink, printing, or rubber stamping after the name of such voter the first 3 letters […]
654:16 Applicability. – Any person who has his domicile in any town or city in this state and is qualified to vote therein at the next subsequent election to be held in said town or city except for the fact that his name does not appear on the checklist to be used at the […]
654:17 Absentee Registration Affidavit. – I. The absentee registration affidavit shall be prepared by the secretary of state and shall be in substantially the following form: Affidavit (Absence from town) I, __________________ do hereby swear or affirm, under the penalties for voting fraud set forth below, the following: 1) That my legal domicile is […]
654:18 Forwarding. – The voter registration form and the absentee registration affidavit shall be forwarded directly to the applicant by the city or town clerk or by the secretary of state. Source. 1979, 436:1. 1995, 124:2, eff. July 16, 1995.
654:19 Submission; Effect. – The applicant shall forward the absentee registration affidavit and the applicant’s voter registration form to the clerk of the town or city named for submission to the supervisors of the checklist. If the supervisors find that the affidavit and the voter registration form are properly executed, they shall follow the […]
654:2 Temporary Absence or Presence. – I. A domicile for voting purposes acquired by any person in any town shall not be interrupted or lost by a temporary absence therefrom with the intention of returning thereto as his or her domicile. Domicile for the purpose of voting as defined in RSA 654:1, once existing, […]
654:2-a Voters Confined in Penal Institutions. – I. The domicile for voting purposes of a person confined in a penal institution shall be the town or city in New Hampshire in which such person had his or her domicile immediately prior to such confinement, even though such person no longer maintains a domicile in […]
654:20 Federal Post Card Application Form for UOCAVA Voters. – As required by federal law, UOCAVA voters may apply to register to vote and apply for an absentee ballot using the federal official post card form prescribed by 42 U.S.C. section 1973ff(b)(2). Source. 1979, 436:1. 1988, 209:2. 2003, 289:31. 2009, 214:2. 2010, 317:8, eff. […]
654:21 Repealed by 2010, 317:71, II, eff. July 18, 2010. –
654:22 Repealed by 1988, 209:13, eff. June 28, 1988. –
654:23 Effect. – Unless the supervisors of the checklist shall be of the opinion that the federal post card applicant does not qualify as a UOCAVA voter in the city or town as provided in RSA 654:3, they shall, at their next session for the correction of the checklist subsequent to their receipt of […]
654:24 Registration. – Domiciliaries of unincorporated places shall register to vote as provided in RSA 668. Source. 1979, 436:1. 2003, 289:32, eff. Sept. 1, 2003.
654:25 Preparing Checklist. – The secretary of state shall issue and distribute guidelines for the content, composition, and style of checklists and for the maintenance of data related to checklists by which the supervisors of the checklist shall compile and correct the checklist. Such guidelines shall specify the information which will be maintained and […]