669:1 Election Dates. – I. All towns shall hold an election annually for the election of town officers on the second Tuesday in March, except those towns which have adopted an alternative date under RSA 40:14 or those towns which have adopted the provisions of RSA 31:94-a and have, by majority vote at a […]
669:1-a Postponed Town Elections. – I. Any election postponed pursuant to RSA 669:1, V shall be rescheduled to the Tuesday 2 weeks following the original date of the election, provided all other applicable statutory provisions associated with elections under this chapter shall also be extended the same 2 weeks. II. The supervisors of the […]
669:10 Term of Office. – I. Except as otherwise provided, the term of office of any officer elected under this chapter shall begin upon his election and qualification for office and shall end upon the election and qualification of his successor. II. No person shall assume a town office until after the time period […]
669:11 Unofficial Ballot System. – If a town has not voted at a previous town meeting to adopt an official ballot system as provided in RSA 669:12 or 669:13 or if a town has voted to rescind such adoption, such town shall elect its officers by means of the unofficial ballot system as provided […]
669:12 Partisan Official Ballot System. – Any town may vote to adopt the partisan official ballot system for election of town officers under an article in the warrant for any town meeting, and may rescind such action in like manner. The partisan ballot system shall not be in effect until the town election first […]
669:13 Non-Partisan Official Ballot System. – A town may vote to adopt the non-partisan official ballot system for election of town officers under an article in the warrant for any town meeting, and may rescind such action in like manner. In any town in which the partisan ballot system is in effect, and which […]
669:14 Use of Ballot. – Town officers who are to be elected by ballot as provided in RSA 669:15 and all other officers that a town has voted at some previous meeting to elect by ballot shall be elected by means of the partisan or non-partisan official ballot systems if such an official ballot […]
669:15 Officers Who Shall be Elected; Election by Ballot. – The town officers specified in this section shall be elected at a town election by the voters of the town, and the election of such officers shall be by ballot as specified by the RSA section indicated: I. Selectmen (RSA 41:8 through 8-e). II. […]
669:16 Optional Officers to be Elected by Ballot: Interim Officers. – The town offices specified in this section shall, if established by a town, be filled by an election by ballot. Such an officer may not be elected by official ballot until the annual town election first following the establishment of the office. However, […]
669:17 Officers Who May be Elected; Election by Ballot or Other Means. – The town officers specified in this section may be elected by ballot or by other means at annual town elections or meetings by the voters of the town as determined by said voters. Such an officer may not be elected by […]
669:17-a Filing Candidacy. – No person shall file as a candidate for a town officer under the provisions of RSA 669:19 or RSA 669:42 for more than one seat on the same town or school district board, commission, committee, or council. Source. 1992, 96:5. 2008, 148:1, eff. Aug. 5, 2008.
669:17-b Discontinuing Optional Elected Office. – When a town votes to discontinue any optional elected office, whether or not such office is to be succeeded by an appointed office, the person holding the elected office at the time of the vote to discontinue it shall continue to hold office until the annual town election […]
669:17-c Candidate Notification to Selectmen. – Any person who has been removed from any position in the state which requires bonding and who subsequently becomes a candidate for any elected office that requires bonding under RSA 41:6, shall inform the governing body in that town of all facts relevant to the removal from office […]
669:17-d Discontinuing Office of Elected Treasurer. – When a town votes to discontinue an elected treasurer office, the person holding the elected office of treasurer at the time of the vote to discontinue it shall continue to hold office until the annual town election first following the discontinuance of the office, at which time […]
669:18 Nominations; Partisan Ballot System. – In a town which has adopted the partisan ballot system as provided in RSA 669:12, nominations shall be made by caucus as provided in RSA 669:37-669:53. Source. 1979, 410:1, eff. July 1, 1979.
669:19 Nominations; Nonpartisan Ballot System. – In a town which has adopted the nonpartisan ballot system as provided in RSA 669:13, all candidates shall file a declaration of candidacy with the town clerk during the filing period for town candidates. All candidates who file on the last day of the filing period shall do […]
669:2 Warrant. – The selectmen shall include as part of the warrant for the annual town meeting a warrant for each annual town election which shall prescribe the place, day and hour of the election, the officers to be elected, and the questions to be submitted to the voters. In a town which has […]
669:20 Repealed by 2008, 148:4, I, eff. Aug. 5, 2008. –
669:21 Repealed by 2008, 148:4, II, eff. Aug. 5, 2008. –
669:22 Withdrawal. – Where a candidate had duly filed according to RSA 669:19 for a non-partisan town election or where a party nominee has been certified to the clerk as provided in RSA 669:50 for a partisan town election, no withdrawal or declination of a candidate shall be accepted by the town clerk subsequent […]