676:7 Public Hearing; Notice. – I. Prior to exercising its appeals powers, the board of adjustment shall hold a public hearing. Notice of the public hearing shall be given as follows: (a) The appellant and every abutter and holder of conservation, preservation, or agricultural preservation restrictions shall be notified of the hearing by verified […]
676:8 Issuing Approval for Building Permits. – The historic district commission shall review applications for building permits within the historic district for their impact on the historic district and its objectives by: I. Requesting reports and recommendations regarding the feasibility of the applicant’s proposal from the planning board, fire chief, building inspector, health officer […]
676:9 Procedure for Approval of Building Permits. – I. The historic commission district shall file a certificate of approval or a notice of disapproval pursuant to RSA 676:8, III within 45 days after the filing of the application for the certificate, unless the applicant agrees to a longer period of time. II. No building […]