110-B:1 Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services. – I. The department shall consist of the militia which shall include the army national guard, air national guard, the inactive national guard, the state guard, and the unorganized militia, and veterans services which shall include the division of veterans services, the state veterans cemetery, the […]
110-B:1-a Composition of the Militia. – I. The militia shall be divided into 3 classes, namely the national guard, the state guard, and the unorganized militia. II. The national guard shall consist of an army national guard, an air national guard, and an inactive national guard. As used in this chapter, the term " […]
110-B:10 Emergency Purchases for the National Guard. – Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, in emergencies, the adjutant general may purchase such necessities as are required for the immediate use and care of any command of the national guard; and the governor shall draw his warrant for the necessary sums from […]
110-B:11 State Retired List. – I. Any commissioned officer or warrant officer of the national guard who is retired by reason of age or otherwise shall be transferred to the state retired list by the governor. II. Upon the recommendation of the adjutant general, the governor may order any person on the state retired […]
110-B:12 Service Without the State. – The governor may order the national guard or any part thereof to serve outside the borders of this state or of the United States in order to perform military duty of every description and to participate in parades, reviews, conferences, encampments, maneuvers or other training, and to participate […]
110-B:13 Army National Guard. – The army national guard shall comprise the army units which are a part of the New Hampshire national guard at the time of the enactment of this chapter and such other army units as may be organized hereafter, including the personnel who are enlisted, appointed or commissioned therein. When […]
110-B:14 Air National Guard. – The air national guard shall comprise the air units which are a part of the New Hampshire national guard at the time of the enactment of this chapter and such other air units as may be organized hereafter, including the personnel who are enlisted, appointed or commissioned therein. Any […]
110-B:15 Organization and Training. – I. The national guard shall be organized, armed, disciplined, governed, administered and trained as prescribed by the laws of the United States and by this chapter and the regulations issued thereunder. II. Unless the same shall be furnished by the United States, the state shall provide adequate armory accommodations, […]
110-B:16 Assemblies, Annual Training and Other Duty. – I. Members and units of the national guard shall assemble for drill or other equivalent training, instruction or duties during each year and shall participate in field training, encampments, maneuvers, schools, conferences or other similar duties as may be prescribed by the laws of the United […]
110-B:17 Organization of Units. – The governor shall conform the organization of the New Hampshire national guard, including the composition of all units thereof, to the organization of national guard units prescribed by the laws of the United States and the regulations issued thereunder. For that purpose, the governor is authorized to organize, reorganize […]
110-B:18 Inactive National Guard. – The inactive national guard shall consist of the persons commissioned, appointed or enlisted therein at the time of the enactment of this chapter, such officers and enlisted persons as may be hereafter transferred thereto from the army national guard and the air national guard, and such persons as may […]
110-B:19 Credit for Active Federal Service. – For all purposes under this chapter, members of the national guard who entered the active military service of the United States in time of war or under a call, order or draft by the president or who hereafter enter such service under like conditions or who enter […]
110-B:2 Commander-in-Chief; Regulations. – The governor shall be the commander-in-chief of the militia and is hereby authorized to issue regulations for the organization and government thereof. Such regulations shall have the same force and effect as the provisions of this chapter, but they shall conform to the laws and regulations of the United States […]
110-B:20 Qualifications of Officers, Warrant Officers and Enlisted Personnel. – I. No person shall be appointed or promoted as a commissioned officer or warrant officer of the national guard unless such person shall have passed such examination as to his physical, moral and professional qualifications as may be prescribed by this chapter and the […]
110-B:21 Examining Boards. – I. The efficiency, moral character and general fitness for retention in the national guard of any commissioned officer or warrant officer may be investigated and determined by an efficiency examining board. Such board shall, whenever practicable, be composed of officers senior in rank to the officer under investigation. II. The […]
110-B:22 Powers and Procedure. – Efficiency and medical examining boards appointed by the governor are hereby vested with the powers of courts of inquiry and courts-martial. Such boards shall follow the practice and procedure prescribed by applicable laws of the United States and the state and the regulations issued thereunder. Any officer ordered to […]
110-B:23 Loss of Commission, Dismissal. – The commission of any officer or warrant officer absent without leave for 3 months may be vacated by the governor upon the recommendation of the adjutant general. An officer who shall have been absent without leave for a period of 6 months or more shall be dismissed by […]
110-B:24 Resignation. – An officer or warrant officer of the national guard may tender a resignation of office at any time. If the resignation is accepted, the officer shall receive an honorable discharge; but, if the officer tendering the resignation shall be under arrest or if charges have been preferred for the commission of […]
110-B:25 Enlistment in the National Guard. – The qualifications for enlistment and re-enlistment, the periods of enlistment, re-enlistment and voluntary extension of enlistment, the period of service, the form of contract to be executed, the oath to be taken, and the manner and form of transfer and discharge of enlisted personnel of the national […]
110-B:26 Non-Commissioned Officer. – All non-commissioned officers of the national guard shall be appointed in the discretion of the appointing officer upon the nomination of the officer under whose immediate command they are to serve. Appointing officers shall be designated in regulations issued pursuant to this chapter. The appointment of a non-commissioned officer may […]