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Home » US Law » 2022 New Hampshire Revised Statutes » Title X - Public Health » Title 125-A - Northern New England Medical Needs Compact

Section 125-A:1 – Compact Ratified.

    125-A:1 Compact Ratified. – In order to provide advisory service to voluntary and official health agencies and educational institutions concerned with health, relating to policies concerned with the promotion, preservation and restoration of health and to insure the availability of day to day medical care where there is need in the rural areas of […]

Section 125-A:2 – Copies to be Sent.

    125-A:2 Copies to be Sent. – The secretary of state shall send authenticated copies of this chapter to the governor of each of the other 2 states party to this compact. Source. 1957, 141:1.

Section 125-A:3 – Action by Governor.

    125-A:3 Action by Governor. – The governor is authorized to take any action necessary to complete the exchange and filing of documents as between this state and any other state ratifying this compact. Source. 1957, 141:1.

Section 125-A:4 – Report to Governor.

    125-A:4 Report to Governor. – The members from this state shall obtain accurate accounts of all the board’s receipts and disbursements and shall report to the governor on or before the fifteenth day of November, in even numbered years, the transactions of the board for the biennium ending on the preceding June 30. They […]

Section 125-A:5 – Definition.

    125-A:5 Definition. – Insofar as this state is concerned the words "commissioner of health" as used in this compact shall mean the state health officer. Source. 1957, 141:1.

Section 125-A:6 – Takes Effect.

    125-A:6 Takes Effect. – This chapter shall not be effective unless and until the governor of this state shall receive authenticated copies from the governors of the states of Maine and Vermont of the acts ratifying said compact. Source. 1957, 141:2, eff. May 29, 1957.