147-A:4 Operator Permits. – The department shall administer and enforce the hazardous waste operator permit program. I. Any person constructing, substantially altering, or operating a hazardous waste facility or disposing of hazardous waste on or after July 1, 1980, shall first obtain a permit from the department, unless conditionally exempted by rules adopted pursuant […]
147-A:4-a Repealed by 2020, 37:4, XI, eff. July 29, 2020. –
147-A:4-b Disclosure of Ownership. – Any application for a permit under RSA 147-A:4 shall be signed under oath by a representative of the applicant and shall contain the following information: I. Name and address of the applicant. II. If the applicant is a corporation, the state of incorporation, the address of its principal place […]
147-A:5 Terms and Conditions of Operator Permits; Facility Personnel; Certified Hazardous Waste Coordinator Program; Hazardous Waste Generator Self-Certification Program. – I. The department shall not issue a permit to a hazardous waste facility unless the facility meets the terms and conditions required in rules adopted by the department. These terms and conditions include, but […]
147-A:5-a Hazardous Waste Testing Laboratory Certification. – I. Any laboratory conducting tests for the presence of hazardous waste, other than water testing laboratories accredited under RSA 485:44, may apply for certification by the department. II. The department shall establish and administer a program to certify on an annual basis the facilities, techniques, collection procedures, […]
147-A:5-b Fees; Advertising. – I. The commissioner shall adopt rules under RSA 541-A, after public hearing, establishing a schedule of reasonable fees to be paid by any laboratory applying for approval and certification, including any travel and consultant costs related to certification of out-of-state laboratories. II. The schedule of fees shall be designed to […]
147-A:6 Transporter Registration. – The department shall administer and enforce the transporter program. I. Any transporter of hazardous waste within the state shall annually register with the department using forms provided by the department before engaging in the transportation of hazardous wastes, unless conditionally exempted by rules adopted pursuant to RSA 147-A:3, XXV. II. […]
147-A:6-a Initial Notification Fee. – I. Each initial notification of hazardous waste activity filed by any new hazardous waste generator in New Hampshire shall be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of $150. II. Political subdivisions of the state shall be exempt from this notification fee. III. Hazardous waste generators that generate less than 220 […]
147-A:7 Inspections; Right of Entry. – I. For the purpose of determining compliance with this chapter, any rule adopted by the department relative to this chapter or any permit issued by the department, an employee or an authorized representative of the department may, upon presentation of appropriate credentials and at any reasonable time: (a) […]
147-A:8 Official Investigation. – I. The attorney general shall have the power to examine witnesses and documents and to request information for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this chapter and the provisions of RSA 147-B. II. If, during the course of any investigation under this chapter or RSA 147-B, the attorney general […]
147-A:9 Strict Liability of Owner, Operator, Generator, or Transporter. – I. Any owner, operator, generator, or transporter who causes or suffers the treatment, storage, transportation or disposal of hazardous waste in violation of RSA 147-A or rules adopted or permits issued under RSA 147-A or RSA 106-A:17-RSA 106-A:19 or rules adopted by the commissioner […]