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Section 433:1 – Definitions.

    433:1 Definitions. – In this subdivision: I. "Advertisement" means all representations, other than those on the label, disseminated in any manner or by any means, relating to seed within the scope of this subdivision. II. "Agricultural seed" includes grass, forage, cereal, oil, fiber, and other kinds of crop seeds commonly recognized within this state […]

Section 433:10 – Definition.

    433:10 Definition. – The term "certified plants" and the term "certified seeds" used in this subdivision shall mean any variety of horticultural or agronomic plants or seeds that have been inspected by the commissioner of agriculture, markets, and food or his authorized agent and found to be reasonably free from disease and true to […]

Section 433:11 – Application for Inspection.

    433:11 Application for Inspection. – Any grower of plants or seeds approved by the commissioner of agriculture, markets, and food may make application to the commissioner for inspection and certification of his plant or seed crop under such rules as the commissioner may adopt under RSA 541-A. The commissioner of agriculture, markets, and food […]

Section 433:12 – Acceptance for Certification.

    433:12 Acceptance for Certification. – Any variety of plant or seed entered for certification must first be approved by a plant and seed certification board, appointed by the commissioner of agriculture, markets, and food with the approval of the advisory board of the department. Source. 1985, 72:1. 1995, 130:5, eff. July 23, 1995.

Section 433:13 – Prohibitions.

    433:13 Prohibitions. – No person in connection with the sale of plants or seeds shall use the term "certified" or any similar term which may tend to convey that the same have been certified under RSA 433:11, either orally or on tags, containers or labels or in advertising unless said plants or seeds have […]

Section 433:14 – Rulemaking.

    433:14 Rulemaking. – The commissioner of agriculture, markets, and food is hereby authorized to adopt all necessary rules and to establish such fees as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this subdivision. Source. 1985, 72:1. 1995, 130:5, eff. July 23, 1995.

Section 433:15 – Penalties.

    433:15 Penalties. – Any person, partnership, association or corporation, and any officer, agent, servant or employee thereof violating any of the provisions of this subdivision shall be guilty of a misdemeanor for each offense. If any such person, partnership, association or corporation shall be twice convicted of a violation of this subdivision, the commissioner […]

Section 433:16 – Definition.

    433:16 Definition. – The term "certified seed potatoes" as used in this subdivision shall include potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) that have been inspected and tested by the commissioner of agriculture, markets, and food or his authorized agents and found to be reasonably free from disease and other defects, as specified in the rules adopted by […]

Section 433:17 – Application for Inspection.

    433:17 Application for Inspection. – Any grower of potatoes in New Hampshire may make application to the commissioner of agriculture, markets, and food for inspection and certification of his potato crop for seed purposes, under such rules as the commissioner may adopt. The commissioner of agriculture, markets, and food or his authorized agents shall […]

Section 433:18 – Prohibitions.

    433:18 Prohibitions. – No person, in connection with the sale of seed potatoes, shall use the term "certified" or any similar term which may tend to convey that the same has been certified under this subdivision, either orally or on tags, containers, or labels or in advertising unless said seed potatoes have been inspected […]

Section 433:19 – Rulemaking.

    433:19 Rulemaking. – The commissioner of agriculture, markets, and food is hereby authorized to adopt all necessary rules to carry out the provisions of this subdivision. Source. 1985, 72:1. 1995, 130:5, eff. July 23, 1995.

Section 433:2 – Label Requirements for Agricultural, Vegetable and Flower Seeds.

    433:2 Label Requirements for Agricultural, Vegetable and Flower Seeds. – Each container of agricultural, vegetable, and flower seeds which is sold, offered for sale, or exposed for sale, or transported within this state for sowing purposes shall bear on it or have attached to it in a conspicuous place a plainly written or printed […]

Section 433:20 – Penalties.

    433:20 Penalties. – Any person, partnership, association or corporation, and any officer, agency, servant or employee thereof, violating any of the provisions of this subdivision shall be guilty of a misdemeanor for each offense. If any such person, partnership, association, or corporation shall be twice convicted of a violation of this subdivision, the commissioner […]

Section 433:21 – Definitions.

    433:21 Definitions. – In this subdivision: I. " Certificate " means a document indicating that plant stock has been inspected and found to be apparently free from dangerous insects and plant diseases. II. " Certified stock " means nursery stock derived from a licensed nursery or certified by a nursery inspector. III. " Collected […]

Section 433:22 – Rulemaking Authority.

    433:22 Rulemaking Authority. – The commissioner shall adopt rules under RSA 541-A relative to: I. The issuing of orders under the provisions of this subdivision. II. The issuing of licenses as may be necessary. III. Establishing fees for certificates and licenses issued under this subdivision, as well as any publications printed for distribution to […]

Section 433:23 – Certified Stock.

    433:23 Certified Stock. – All nursery stock shipped into New Hampshire shall bear on each consignment or package a valid license or certificate number indicating that the contents of that consignment or package have been inspected by a duly authorized inspecting officer, and that the contents are apparently free from all dangerous insects and […]

Section 433:24 – Cooperative Agreements; Grants-in-Aid.

    433:24 Cooperative Agreements; Grants-in-Aid. – The department is authorized to cooperate, receive grants-in-aid, and enter into agreements with any individual, organization, or county, state or federal agency for the purpose of implementing the provisions of this subdivision. The department may also enforce any federal quarantine or regulation promulgated under federal quarantine within the state […]

Section 433:25 – Fees.

    433:25 Fees. – The commissioner may establish reasonable fees pursuant to RSA 433:22, III. Source. 1985, 33:1, eff. July 1, 1985.

Section 433:26 – Director.

    433:26 Director. – The director may hire such nursery inspectors as he may deem necessary within his budgetary limitations. Source. 1985, 33:1, eff. July 1, 1985.

Section 433:27 – Regulation of Horticultural Services.

    433:27 Regulation of Horticultural Services. – Any person engaged in horticultural services shall be subject to regulation by the commissioner under this subdivision. Source. 1985, 33:1, eff. July 1, 1985. 2002, 7:4, eff. Mar. 12, 2002.