437:1 Definitions. – In this subdivision: I. " Animal shelter facility " means a facility, including the building and the immediate surrounding area, which is used to house or contain animals and which is owned or leased, operated and maintained by a duly incorporated humane society, animal welfare society, society for the prevention of […]
437:10 Penalty. – [Paragraph I effective until January 1, 2023; see also paragraph I set out below.] I. Any pet vendor who transfers live animals or birds customarily used as household pets in this state without having a license to do so as required by this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. [Paragraph […]
437:11 to 437:13-a [Omitted]. –
437:14 Artificial Coloring. – No chick, duckling, gosling, or rabbit that has been dyed or otherwise colored artificially shall be sold or offered for sale; raffled; offered or given as a prize, premium, or advertising device; or displayed in any store, shop, carnival, or other public place. Source. 1985, 72:1, eff. July 1, 1985.
437:15 Sale or Gift. – Rabbits younger than 8 weeks of age shall not be sold or offered for sale; raffled; or offered or given as a prize, premium, or advertising device. Source. 1985, 72:1, eff. July 1, 1985. 2012, 82:1, eff. July 22, 2012. 2019, 81:1, eff. Aug. 17, 2019.
437:16 Conditions of Keeping and Display. – Stores, shops, vendors, and others offering chicks, ducklings, or goslings younger than 4 weeks of age for sale, raffle, or as a prize, premium, or advertising device, or displaying chicks, ducklings, or goslings to the public, shall provide and operate brooders or other heating devices that may […]
437:17 Penalty. – Any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this subdivision shall be guilty of a violation; provided that after any violation has been called to the attention of the violator by any law enforcement officer, each day on which such violation continues or is repeated shall constitute a […]
437:17-a Monk Parakeets. – Monk parakeets (Myiopsitta monachus), also known as quaker parrots, may be possessed and sold within the state. Source. 2011, 116:1, eff. July 30, 2011.
437:18 Definitions. – As used in this subdivision, unless the context otherwise requires: I. "Animal" means a domestic animal, a household pet, or a wild animal in captivity. II. "Owner" means the person having the right of possession of an animal, whether such right was acquired by gift, purchase, or other means. III. "Animal […]
437:19 Notice to Owner; Reclaiming of Animals. – The operator of an animal care center having custody of an animal, the owner of which has refused or neglected to reclaim the animal for a period of 7 days, or has refused or neglected to pay the just fees and charges due for boarding, grooming, […]
437:2 Declaration of Policy. – This subdivision establishes standards for the regulation of animal health that are consistent with the pattern established throughout statute by the general court. Animal health regulation shall focus either on those conditions that pose a threat to public health or that would require regulatory intervention to protect the economy […]
437:20 Disposition of Abandoned Animals. – Ownership of an animal shall vest in the operator of the animal care center having custody thereof upon determination that the animal has been abandoned under the provisions of this subdivision, and the operator may dispose of such abandoned animal in any lawful manner as if he were […]
437:21 Duty of Operator. – It shall be the duty of the operator of an animal care center, when taking custody of an animal, to advise its owner of the provisions of this subdivision. Source. 1985, 72:1, eff. July 1, 1985.
437:22 Experimentation and Vivisection Prohibited. – I. It shall be unlawful for any agent acting on behalf of an animal shelter facility as defined in RSA 437:1, I, or an animal care center as defined in RSA 437:18, III, to give, release, sell, trade or transfer with or without a fee any live animal […]
437:3 Requirements. – No pet vendor shall transfer animals or birds without a license. A pet vendor shall apply to the commissioner for a license, giving such information as the commissioner shall require. A pet vendor that transfers more than 50 or more dogs, 50 or more cats, 50 or more ferrets, or 50 […]
437:4 Refusal to Issue; Revocation or Suspension of License. – The commissioner, after notice to the licensee and opportunity for hearing, as set forth in the rules adopted under RSA 437:9, may deny an application, or suspend or revoke a license for any of the following reasons: I. The applicant or licensee violated the […]
437:5 Prohibition. – No licensee under this subdivision shall transfer, other than to a qualified veterinarian or licensed animal shelter facility, any maimed, sick, or diseased animal or bird other than as permitted under RSA 437:8, II nor shall any licensee treat inhumanely any animal or bird in his or her care or possession […]
437:6 Health Management; Dogs, Cats, and Ferrets. – I. Medical treatment and use of controlled drugs on any animal or bird under the care or possession or under the control of any licensee other than a veterinarian may be administered only under the direction and supervision of a veterinarian for the purposes of this […]
437:7 Exceptions. – I. The license provisions of this subdivision shall not apply to breeders of dogs or cats that do not meet the definition of pet vendor in RSA 437:1, veterinarians, or the transfer of livestock or poultry. II. (a) A person who has previously not met the requirements for licensure as a […]
[RSA 437:8 effective until 90 days after certification that the animal records database is operational; see also RSA 437:8 effective 90 days after certification that the animal records database is operational , set out below.] 437:8 Health Certificates for Dogs, Cats, and Ferrets. – I. For purposes of this chapter, an official health certificate […]